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远古外星人 第十七季 于 二零二一年八月六日开始播出!
Coming Soon
Thumbnail for video: Ancient Aliens: Under Our Feet
Ancient Aliens: Under Our Feet
An all-new season of Ancient Aliens premieres Friday, August 6 at 9/8c. Watch a preview now.


IP属地:广东1楼2021-07-25 22:12回复
    Ancient Aliens Season 17 (远古外星人 第十七季 2021)

    The Series

    导演: David Childress 大卫·柴尔德里斯
    编剧: Robert Clotworthy 罗伯特·克洛沃西
    主演: Giorgio A. Tsoukalos 乔治·A·索卡罗斯
    类型: 纪录片 / 历史 /
    地区: 美国
    语言: 英语
    首播: 2021-08-06(美国)
    季数: 17
    集数: 15
    又名: Ancient Aliens Series / 来自远古星星的你 / 远古外星理论 /
    单集片长: 45
    官方网站: https://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens
    豆瓣评分: 7.6

    远古外星人 第十七季的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

    第十七季 (播出目录) (2020) Season 17 https://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens/season-17
    S17E01 失落的秘鲁之城 The Lost City Of Peru (2021年08月06日播出);
    S17E02 十大神秘遗址 Top Ten Mysterious Sites (2021年08月13日播出);
    S17E03 十大外星人掩盖事件 Top Ten Alien Cover-ups (2021年08月20日播出);

    远古外星人 第十七季 官方电视台更新节目预播目录:
    17x01 -- Aug 06, 2021 -- The Lost City Of Peru;
    17x02 -- Aug 13, 2021 -- Top Ten Mysterious Sites;
    17x03 -- Aug 20, 2021 -- Top Ten Alien Cover-ups;

    IP属地:广东3楼2021-08-08 00:57
      Ancient Aliens S17E01 The Lost City Of Peru AUG 06,2021 9:00pm
      The South American nation of Peru is famous for its megalithic ruins , colossal geoglyphs and the Incan civilization . It's one of the most mysterious places on Earth--but could it also be a site of extraterrestrial visitation ? Ancient Astronaut theorists Giorgio A. Tsoukalos , author David Childress and investigative mythologist William Henry will examine a recently discovered" lost city " in Peru that has upended the historical timeline of South America , revealing that civilization emerged here thousands of years earlier than previously thought . Could it also provide evidence that Peru's incredible ancient sites were built with the help of extraterrestrials ?
      远古外星人 第十七季 第一集 失落的秘鲁之城 2021年08月06日 晚上9:00播出

      IP属地:广东4楼2021-08-08 01:08
        Ancient Aliens S17E02 Top Ten Mysterious Sites AUG 13,2021 9:00pm
        Ancient Aliens is counting down the world's top ten most mysterious sites , from the towering Moai statues of Easter lsland to the enormous megalithic blocks of Stonehenge to the precision cut stones of Puma Punku. Could these extraordinary places provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation ?

        远古外星人 第十七季 第二集 十大神秘遗址 2021年08月13日 晚上9:00播出

        IP属地:广东5楼2021-08-10 22:46
          Ancient Aliens S17E03 Top Ten Alien Cover-ups AUG 20,2021 9:00pm
          Ancient Aliens is counting down the world's top ten alien cover-ups, from the famous Roswell Incident to a secret military base rumored to be housing ET technology to recently released UFO videos captured by cameras on Navy fighter jets. Has there been a massive cover-up regarding the truth about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth ?

          远古外星人 第十七季 第三集 十大外星人掩盖事件 2021年08月20日晚上9:00播出

          IP属地:广东6楼2021-08-16 11:04
            New Episodes Return Friday, September 17 at 9/8c

            IP属地:广东8楼2021-08-31 17:46
              Ancient Aliens S17E04 The Mystery Of Mount Shasta SEP 17,2021 9:00pm
              Mount Shasta in northern California is known as a hotbed of strange events, from Big Foot sightings to UFO encounters to hikers vanishing without a trace. Could the mountain's unique geology and placement on Earth be attracting beings from other worlds... and even other dimensions?
              远古外星人 第十七季 第四集 沙斯塔山之谜 2021年09月17日 晚上9:00播出

              IP属地:广东10楼2021-09-14 21:51
                Ancient Aliens S17E05 The Human Experiment SEP 24,2021 9:00pm
                Scientists now know that seven human-like species lived alongside Homo sapiens for thousands of years. But why is it that only humans survived? Is it possible that we were the product of extraterrestrial experimentation? Ancient Astronaut theorists Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, David Childress and William Henry will be joined by Rabbi Ariel bar Tzadok and filmmaker Caroline Cory to investigate the mystery of the Human genome, in an attempt to determine if human beings are the product of an extraterrestrial experiment. Might the ultimate proof we are not alone in the universe be hidden in our own genetic code?
                远古外星人 第十七季 第五集 人体实验 2021年09月24日 晚上9:00播出
                科学家们现在知道,有七种类似人类的物种与智人一起生活了数千年。但为什么只有人类幸存下来?我们可能是地外实验的产物吗?古代航天员理论家乔治·A·索卡罗斯(Giorgio A.Tsoukalos)、戴维·奇尔德雷斯(David Childress)和威廉·亨利(William Henry)将与拉比阿里尔·巴尔·扎多克(Ariel bar Tzadok)和电影制片人卡罗琳·科里(Caroline Cory)一道调查人类基因组的奥秘,试图确定人类是否是地外实验的产物。我们不是宇宙中唯一的人,这一最终证据可能隐藏在我们自己的遗传密码中吗?

                IP属地:广东12楼2021-09-20 15:46
                  Ancient Aliens S17E06 Top Ten Alien Encounters Oct 01,2021 9:00pm
                  We're counting down the world's top ten alien encounters, from the first reported abduction event to mass UFO sightings over New York's Hudson Valley to an incident in ancient Rome that changed the course of human history. Could these incredible accounts be actual encounters with visitors from the stars?
                  远古外星人 第十七季 第六集 十大外星人遭遇战 2021年10月01日 晚上9:00播出

                  IP属地:广东13楼2021-09-27 07:42
                    Ancient Aliens S17E07 Top Ten Alien Artifacts Oct 08,2021 9:00pm
                    An ancient figurine of a modern-day airplane . A primitive statue of a man in a spacesuit . Mysterious crystal skulls whose origins are entirely unknown . For more than a decade on Ancient Aliens, we've traveled the globe and investigated strange objects found on every continent on Earth. We're counting down the top ten alien artifacts. Objects that could provide evidence that extraterrestrials once walked among us.
                    远古外星人 第十七季 第七集 十大外星文物 2021年10月08日 晚上9:00播出

                    IP属地:广东14楼2021-10-05 22:41

                      IP属地:广东15楼2021-10-14 16:39

                        IP属地:四川来自Android客户端16楼2021-10-14 20:39

                          IP属地:四川来自Android客户端17楼2021-10-19 17:54

                            IP属地:广东18楼2021-11-06 13:35