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IP属地:山东1楼2021-08-15 11:51回复
    Version: 1
    Name: 1
    - Id: brrainz.harmony
    Name: Harmony
    - Id: me.samboycoding.betterloading
    Name: BetterLoading
    - Id: ludeon.rimworld
    Name: 核心
    - Id: ludeon.rimworld.royalty
    Name: 皇权
    - Id: ludeon.rimworld.ideology
    Name: 文化
    - Id: automatic.startupimpact
    Name: Startup impact
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.startupimpact
    Name: Startup_impact_zh
    - Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib
    Name: HugsLib
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.hugslib
    Name: HugsLib_zh
    - Id: latta.fsharp.core
    Name: FSharp.Core
    - Id: erdelf.humanoidalienraces
    Name: Humanoid Alien Races
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.humanoidalienraces
    Name: Humanoid_Alien_Races_2.0_zh
    - Id: madeline.modmismatchformatter
    Name: Better ModMismatch Window
    - Id: latta.devl10n
    Name: Dev In Your Language
    - Id: lingluo.latta.devl10n.zh
    Name: Dev In Your Language_zh
    - Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool
    Name: Allow Tool
    - Id: fluffy.modmanager
    Name: Mod Manager
    - Id: fluffy.animaltab
    Name: Animal Tab
    - Id: fluffy.areaunlocker
    Name: Area Unlocker
    - Id: fluffy.backuppower
    Name: Backup Power
    - Id: fluffy.blueprints
    Name: Blueprints
    - Id: fluffy.colonymanager
    Name: Colony Manager
    - Id: fluffy.commandpalette
    Name: Command Palette
    - Id: fluffy.followme
    Name: Follow Me
    - Id: fluffy.medicaltab
    Name: Medical Tab
    - Id: fluffy.musicmanager
    Name: Music Manager
    - Id: fluffy.stuffedfloors
    Name: Stuffed Floors
    - Id: fluffy.worktab
    Name: Work Tab
    - Id: fluffy.fluffyrelations
    Name: Relations Tab
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.fluffy
    Name: Fluffy_zh_pack
    - Id: mlie.bestmix
    Name: Best Mix (Continued)
    - Id: chinese.bestmix.20200831
    Name: Best Mix中文化
    - Id: falconne.bwm
    Name: Better Workbench Management
    - Id: lingluo.movesteamgeyser
    Name: '[Ling]Move Steam Geyser'
    - Id: mlie.10xcarryingcapacity
    Name: 10x Carrying Capacity (Continued)
    - Id: roolo.almostthere
    Name: Almost There!
    - Id: hawnhan.almostthere.zh
    Name: Almost There!_zh
    - Id: oblitus.animalslogic
    Name: Animals Logic
    - Id: ghsgkd.animalslogiczh
    Name: Animals LogicZH
    - Id: mireia.bodies
    Name: Beautiful Bodies
    - Id: vanya.tools.bulkcarrier
    Name: Bulk Carrier
    - Id: brrainz.cameraplus
    Name: Camera+
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.cameraplus
    Name: Camera+_zh
    - Id: void.charactereditor
    Name: Character Editor
    - Id: nals.chibifacefemale
    Name: '[NL] Chibi Face Female only'
    - Id: nals.chibifacemale
    Name: '[NL] Chibi Face Male only'
    - Id: dylan.csl
    Name: Children, school and learning
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.csl
    Name: Children_school_and_learning_zh
    - Id: crashm.colorcodedmoodbar.11
    Name: CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
    - Id: avilmask.commonsense
    Name: Common Sense
    - Id: petetimessix.compacthediffs
    Name: Compact Hediffs
    - Id: zephyr.compacthediffszh
    Name: Compact Hediffs简繁汉化
    - Id: configurablemaps.kv.rw
    Name: '[KV] Configurable Maps'
    - Id: chinesepackage.configurablemaps
    Name: ConfigurableMaps-可编辑地图繁简中文补丁
    - Id: dalrae.custommotemaker
    Name: Custom Mote Maker
    - Id: nals.customportraits
    Name: '[NL] Custom Portraits'
    - Id: caesarv6.damageindicators
    Name: Damage Indicators [1.3]
    - Id: leafzxg.deerextension
    Name: Deer Extension
    - Id: unlimitedhugs.defensivepositions
    Name: Defensive Positions
    - Id: spincrus.dinosauria
    Name: Dinosauria
    - Id: benbenrathwhbiscuitminer121.dinosauriahnqnslcrt
    Name: Dinosauria 中文翻译追加补丁
    - Id: gguake.ai.dsfi
    Name: Do Something for Idle
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.aidsfi
    Name: Do_Something_for_Idle_zh
    - Id: tikubonn.dontblockdoor
    Name: DontBlockDoor
    - Id: dubwise.dubsmintmenus
    Name: Dubs Mint Menus
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.dubsmintmenus
    Name: Dubs_Mint_Menus_zh
    - Id: dubwise.dubsmintminimap
    Name: Dubs Mint Minimap
    - Id: dubwisezh.dubsmintminimap
    Name: Dubs Mint Minimap - 高清小地图 - 汉化包
    - Id: nals.facialanimation
    Name: '[NL] Facial Animation - WIP'
    - Id: cocaine.electricstonecuttingtable
    Name: Electric Stonecutting Table
    - Id: factioncontrol.kv.rw
    Name: '[KV] Faction Control'
    - Id: frozensnowfox.filthvanisheswithrainandtime
    Name: '[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time'
    - Id: jkluch.haultostack
    Name: Haul to Stack
    - Id: vanya.tools.incidentpersonstat
    Name: Incident Person Stat
    - Id: jaxe.bubbles
    Name: Interaction Bubbles
    - Id: jaxezh.bubbles
    Name: Interaction Bubbles - 互动气泡 - 汉化包
    - Id: codeoptimist.jobsofopportunity
    Name: Jobs of Opportunity (While You're Up)
    - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.jobsofopportunity
    Name: Jobs_of_Opportunity_zh
    - Id: dhultgren.keepbedownership
    Name: Keep Bed Ownership
    - Id: krafs.levelup
    Name: Level Up!
    - Id: smashphil.loadinginprogress
    Name: Loading In Progress
    - Id: unlimitedhugs.mapreroll
    Name: Map Reroll
    - Id: leafzxg.masterofcrafting
    Name: Master of Crafting

    IP属地:山东2楼2021-08-15 11:52
      - Id: notfood.mendandrecycle
      Name: MendAndRecycle
      - Id: ghsgkd.mendandrecyclezh
      Name: MendAndRecycle_ZH
      - Id: 4loris4.morelinkables
      Name: More Linkables
      - Id: moretraitslots.kv.rw
      Name: '[KV] More Trait Slots'
      - Id: moretraitslotszh.kv.rw
      Name: '[KV] More Trait Slots - 更多的特征槽 -汉化包'
      - Id: mehni.numbers
      Name: Numbers
      - Id: telardo.numberstraitaddon
      Name: Numbers Trait AddOn
      - Id: mlph.openeddoorsdontblocklight
      Name: Opened Doors Don't Block Light
      - Id: mlie.pawneducation
      Name: Pawn Education (Continued)
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.pawneducation
      Name: Pawn_Education_zh
      - Id: fed1splay.pawntargetfix
      Name: PawnTargetFix
      - Id: peppsen.pmusic
      Name: P-Music
      - Id: nilchei.powerfulfactionbases
      Name: Powerful Faction Bases
      - Id: neitsa.preparelanding
      Name: Prepare Landing
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.preparelanding
      Name: Prepare_Landing_zh
      - Id: legodude17.qualcolor
      Name: Quality Colors
      - Id: hatti.qualitybuilder
      Name: QualityBuilder
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.qualitybuilder
      Name: QualityBuilder_zh
      - Id: owlchemist.bettervanillamasking
      Name: Better Vanilla Masking
      - Id: ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry
      Name: Quarry
      - Id: samo.raretraits
      Name: RareTraits
      - Id: uuugggg.replacestuff
      Name: Replace Stuff
      - Id: jaxe.rimhud
      Name: RimHUD
      - Id: shouer.chinesepack.rimhud
      Name: RimHUD_zh
      - Id: falconne.roomsense
      Name: Room Sense
      - Id: ratys.rtsolarflareshield
      Name: RT Solar Flare Shield
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.ratys
      Name: RT_zh_pack
      - Id: roolo.runandgun
      Name: RunAndGun
      - Id: savestoragesettings.kv.rw
      Name: '[KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings'
      - Id: georodin.setupcamp
      Name: '[SYR] Set Up Camp - 1.3'
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.setupcamp
      Name: Set_Up_Camp_zh
      - Id: targhetti.showdrafteesweapon
      Name: Show Draftees Weapon
      - Id: petetimessix.simplesidearms
      Name: Simple sidearms
      - Id: mlie.simplymorebridges
      Name: Simply More Bridges (Continued)
      - Id: pinochemicali.skilledstonecutting
      Name: Skilled Stonecutting
      - Id: dhultgren.smarterconstruction
      Name: Smarter Construction
      - Id: legodude17.smartdecon
      Name: Smarter Deconstruction and Mining
      - Id: weilbyte.snapout
      Name: Snap Out!
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.snapout
      Name: Snap_Out!_zh
      - Id: indeed.stackxxl
      Name: Stack XXL
      - Id: zhrocks11.stackablechunks
      Name: Stackable Chunks [1.3+]
      - Id: fridgebaron.techsales
      Name: TechSales
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.techsales
      Name: TechSales_zh
      - Id: leafzxg.thrumboextension
      Name: Thrumbo Extension
      - Id: cn.sam.tilledsoil
      Name: Tilled Soil简繁中文汉化包
      - Id: gt.sam.tilledsoil
      Name: Tilled Soil
      - Id: timmyliang.tradehelper
      Name: TradeHelper
      - Id: tradingspot.kv.rw
      Name: '[KV] Trading Spot'
      - Id: mlie.turnonoffrepowered
      Name: Turn It On and Off - RePowered
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.unlimitedhugs
      Name: UnlimitedHugs_zh_pack
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.achievements
      Name: Vanilla Achievements Expanded
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.zh
      Name: Vanilla Achievements Expanded简繁中文汉化包
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.vee
      Name: Vanilla Events Expanded
      - Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core
      Name: Vanilla Expanded Framework
      - Id: zodgilla.vanillarangedretexture
      Name: Vanilla Ranged Retexture
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.vtexe
      Name: Vanilla Textures Expanded
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vanillaexpandedvee
      Name: Vanilla_Events_Expanded_zh
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vanillafactionsexpandedcore
      Name: Vanilla_Expanded_Framework_zh
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vtexe
      Name: Vanilla_Textures_Expanded_zh
      - Id: zh.walllight
      Name: Wall Light简繁中文汉化包
      - Id: murmur.walllight
      Name: Wall Light
      - Id: bodlosh.weaponstats
      Name: WeaponStats
      - Id: bodloshzh.weaponstats
      Name: ' WeaponStats - 装备数据统计 - 汉化包'
      - Id: fushang.va
      Name: 富商 Silver Rich Merchant
      - Id: calltradeships.kv.rw
      Name: '[KV] Call Trade Ships'
      - Id: ruyan.doors
      Name: ClutterDoors
      - Id: hc.animalreskins.complete
      Name: H.C_AnimalReskins_Complete
      - Id: razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight
      Name: Auto-Cut Blight
      - Id: bs.mbifvte
      Name: Bradson's Main Button Icons for Vanilla Textures Expanded
      - Id: odeum.wmbp
      Name: World Map Beautification Project
      - Id: captainmuscles.callouts
      Name: Callouts
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.callouts
      Name: Callouts_zh
      - Id: packmulesextended.dinosauria
      Name: Pack Mules Extended - Dinosauria
      - Id: forsakens.fauna
      Name: 'Forsakens: Fauna'
      - Id: notfood.infused
      Name: Infused
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.infused
      Name: Infused_zh
      - Id: jaxe.pawnrules
      Name: Pawn Rules
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.pawnrules
      Name: Pawn_Rules_zh
      - Id: falconne.heatmap
      Name: Heat Map
      - Id: bichang.moresculpture
      Name: More Sculpture
      - Id: erdelf.minifyeverything
      Name: MinifyEverything
      - Id: spino.megafauna
      Name: Megafauna
      - Id: biscuitminerhwhbenbenrabbit122.megafaunahnqnslcrt
      Name: Megafauna 中文翻译追加补丁
      - Id: meltup.advancedpowerplus
      Name: Advanced Power Plus
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.advancedpowerplus
      Name: Advanced_Power_Plus_zh
      - Id: lingluo.planthuman
      Name: Plant Human
      - Id: sellprisonernoguilt.velcroboy333
      Name: Sell Prisoner With No Guilt(patch method)
      - Id: lwm.deepstorage
      Name: LWM's Deep Storage
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.deepstorage
      Name: LWM's_Deep_Storage_zh
      - Id: mlie.proximity
      Name: Proximity (Continued)
      - Id: mrkociak.morearchotechstuffandthingsreupload
      Name: More Archotech Garbage Reupload
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.morearchotechstuffandthingsreupload
      Name: More_Archotech_Garbage_Reupload_zh
      - Id: tikubonn.stuffeddoll
      Name: StuffedDoll
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.stuffeddoll
      Name: StuffedDoll_zh
      - Id: alaestor.quantumcooling
      Name: '[BLD] Quantum Cooling Redux'
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.quantumcooling
      Name: Quantum_Cooling_Redux_zh
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.vanillasocialinteractionsexpanded
      Name: Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vanillasocialinteractionsexpanded
      Name: Vanilla_Social_Interactions_Expanded_zh
      - Id: edb.preparecarefully.unofficialpatch
      Name: EdB Prepare Carefully (Unofficial 1.3 Patch)
      - Id: lingluo.preparecarefully.zh
      Name: EdB Prepare Carefully_zh[1.3temporary]
      - Id: captainmuscles.beatyourprisoners
      Name: Beat Your Prisoners
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.beatyourprisoners
      Name: Beat_Your_Prisoners_zh
      - Id: mehni.pickupandhaul
      Name: Pick Up And Haul
      - Id: lucifer.realisticrooms
      Name: Realistic Rooms Rewritten
      - Id: zlj.staticqualityplus
      Name: Static Quality Plus
      - Id: kahdeg.killfeed
      Name: Killfeed
      - Id: albion.sparklingworlds.full
      Name: Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.sparklingworldsfull
      Name: Sparkling_Worlds_Full_Mod_zh
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.varme
      Name: Vanilla Armour Expanded
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vaae
      Name: Vanilla_Apparel_Armour_Expanded_zh_pack
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwe
      Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwec
      Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwehw
      Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
      - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwel
      Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vwe
      Name: Vanilla_Weapons_Expanded_zh_pack
      - Id: smashphil.neceros.srtsexpanded
      Name: SRTS Expanded
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.srtsexpanded
      Name: SRTS_Expanded_zh
      - Id: sandy.rpgstyleinventory.avilmask.revamped
      Name: RPG Style Inventory Revamped
      - Id: uuugggg.sharetheload
      Name: Share The Load
      - Id: captainmuscles.pocketdimension
      Name: Pocket Dimensions
      - Id: rwzh.chinesepack.pocketdimension
      Name: Pocket_Dimension_zh
      - Id: krkr.rocketman
      Name: RocketMan - Performance Mod
      - Id: dubwise.dubsperformanceanalyzer
      Name: Dubs Performance Analyzer

      IP属地:山东3楼2021-08-15 11:54

        IP属地:山东来自Android客户端4楼2021-08-15 12:28

          IP属地:山东来自Android客户端5楼2021-08-15 12:29
            custom mote maker这个mod取消掉试试

            IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端6楼2021-08-15 12:34
              贴吧之前有好几个和你这个一样的,那几个就是custom mote maker的问题

              IP属地:山西来自Android客户端8楼2021-08-15 12:40

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端9楼2021-08-15 12:41