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IP属地:上海1楼2022-03-24 15:15回复
    It wasafter homeroom had ended and my conversation with Horikita was soon about toend.
    “We’resoon out of time. Just let me tell you one last thing, although it may looklike I’m meddling too much. The most important thing is what you, Horikita,wants to do with Kushida. Think carefully about this.”
    The focuswas to make Kushida return to class, but this wasn’t as important now.
    I’m notsure how useful my advice would be to her, but at least I hope it may havecleared her thoughts a bit.
    “Thankyou, teacher. I’ve decided what to do now.”
    “Don’tmind it. As your teacher, this is nothing— it’s surely something to be expectedafter all.”
    Aftersending her off, I walked back to the staff room.
    Aftergoing down the steps and into the hallway where the staff room was, I heardsomeone running from behind.
    “Don’t runin the hallway…”
    I plannedon warning the student, but I knew it was a teacher by instinct.
    “Is thatyou, Chie? How are you going to set an example if even you are running fullahead?”
    “Bu~ut, Isaw you right ahead!”
    “Stop withthat Bu~ut! Just call for me like normal.”
    There wasno need to run up to me this way,
    “By theway, you were taking quite a long time talking with Horikita-san.”
    “… so youeven heard that?”
    When inthe world did she start?
    There wasa huge risk of this leaking If Chie heard about Kushida.”
    “From whenI heard her say thanks to you.”
    When itwas almost over, in other words.
    I can’texclude the fact it may have been a lie, but it was true I didn’t notice herbefore either.
    “Lookslike even the model student Horikita has lots of worries.”
    “She’s justa child, right? But that’s not what I wanted to say.”
    She smiledas she walked right beside me. Her eyes weren’t laughing.
    “Why haveyou gotten closer to your students now?”
    “There’snothing weird for a homeroom teacher, is it?”
    “It is.You are not that kind of a teacher. You have never been until now, have you?”
    “That maybe true.”
    “I won’tacknowledge it. There is no way Sae-chan would ever act like a teacher.”
    “… Iknow.”
    I replied,but my reply never reached her.

    IP属地:上海2楼2022-03-24 15:15

      IP属地:上海3楼2022-03-24 15:16