New Experimental Build - 0.4.6
新的实验性 build 版本 - 0.4.6
(发布于 22.8.4 12:50 p.m.)
- Added a pause button in the journal in single player
- 在单人游戏的日志(journal)中添加了一个暂停按钮。
- Fixed another bug that was preventing some players from continuing to the next day.
- 修复了阻止某些玩家进入下一天的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where moving the players house would remove the items on top of other furniture.
- 修复了移动玩家房屋时会移除家具顶部物品的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where moving the players house would create duplicate items.
- 修复了移动玩家房屋时会复制物品的 bug。
- Players can no longer ask to upgrade their house while it’s being moved, or ask to move their house while it’s being upgraded.
- 在移动房屋时,不再能够升级房屋;在升级房屋时,不再能够移动房屋。
- Fixed a bug where visiting players would sometimes remain tired after sleeping.
- 修复了到访玩家有时在睡觉后保持疲倦的 bug。
- Fixed a bug that prevented visitors from receiving health buffs.
- 修复了到访者无法获取健康值(health)buff 的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where animal traps would behave incorrectly when too far away from the host.
- 修复了当主机玩家离动物陷阱(animal trap)太远时陷阱工作异常的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where players would be locked in the air if they pressed jump in the island flyover
- 修复了玩家在 island flyover(?岛桥)中按跳跃键时会被卡在空气中的 bug。
- Fixed a bug that would lock inventory slot interactions if they clicked on their wallet while donating/selling
- 修复了在捐赠或售卖时点击钱包会锁住物品栏操作的 bug。
- Fixed a bug involving shells and compost bins.
- 修复了有关贝壳(shell)和堆肥桶(compost bin)的 bug。
- Vehicles that have fallen underwater will try to move to the surface after saving and reloading
- 沉于水下的交通工具在保存和重新加载后会移动至水面。
- Blocked objects you carry from being dropped into “the void”, especially inside buildings and mine walls
- 阻止玩家搬运的物品掉入「虚空(the void)」(尤其是在建筑和矿井墙内部)。
- Buffed farming XP a bit
- 稍微加快了种植(farming)经验增加的速度。
- Commerce licence now gives the correct bonus for its level.
- 商业许可证(commerce licence)现在会依照其等级给予正确的加成。
- Fish and Bugs can no longer be right clicked to place them in chests.
- 不再能对鱼和虫子(bugs)使用右键放进箱子。
- Jellybrew now gives a fishing buff.
- 水母酒(jelly brew)现在会给予钓鱼 buff。
- Deeds can no longer be placed in chests
- 房契(deed)不再能放进箱子。
- Increased stability for players who have experienced crashes.
- 为经历了游戏崩溃的玩家提升了稳定性。
- Straightened the Museum (highly requested)
- 摆正了博物馆建筑(museum)(玩家强烈要求)。
详情请至官方 discord 频道查看。

新的实验性 build 版本 - 0.4.6
(发布于 22.8.4 12:50 p.m.)
- Added a pause button in the journal in single player
- 在单人游戏的日志(journal)中添加了一个暂停按钮。
- Fixed another bug that was preventing some players from continuing to the next day.
- 修复了阻止某些玩家进入下一天的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where moving the players house would remove the items on top of other furniture.
- 修复了移动玩家房屋时会移除家具顶部物品的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where moving the players house would create duplicate items.
- 修复了移动玩家房屋时会复制物品的 bug。
- Players can no longer ask to upgrade their house while it’s being moved, or ask to move their house while it’s being upgraded.
- 在移动房屋时,不再能够升级房屋;在升级房屋时,不再能够移动房屋。
- Fixed a bug where visiting players would sometimes remain tired after sleeping.
- 修复了到访玩家有时在睡觉后保持疲倦的 bug。
- Fixed a bug that prevented visitors from receiving health buffs.
- 修复了到访者无法获取健康值(health)buff 的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where animal traps would behave incorrectly when too far away from the host.
- 修复了当主机玩家离动物陷阱(animal trap)太远时陷阱工作异常的 bug。
- Fixed a bug where players would be locked in the air if they pressed jump in the island flyover
- 修复了玩家在 island flyover(?岛桥)中按跳跃键时会被卡在空气中的 bug。
- Fixed a bug that would lock inventory slot interactions if they clicked on their wallet while donating/selling
- 修复了在捐赠或售卖时点击钱包会锁住物品栏操作的 bug。
- Fixed a bug involving shells and compost bins.
- 修复了有关贝壳(shell)和堆肥桶(compost bin)的 bug。
- Vehicles that have fallen underwater will try to move to the surface after saving and reloading
- 沉于水下的交通工具在保存和重新加载后会移动至水面。
- Blocked objects you carry from being dropped into “the void”, especially inside buildings and mine walls
- 阻止玩家搬运的物品掉入「虚空(the void)」(尤其是在建筑和矿井墙内部)。
- Buffed farming XP a bit
- 稍微加快了种植(farming)经验增加的速度。
- Commerce licence now gives the correct bonus for its level.
- 商业许可证(commerce licence)现在会依照其等级给予正确的加成。
- Fish and Bugs can no longer be right clicked to place them in chests.
- 不再能对鱼和虫子(bugs)使用右键放进箱子。
- Jellybrew now gives a fishing buff.
- 水母酒(jelly brew)现在会给予钓鱼 buff。
- Deeds can no longer be placed in chests
- 房契(deed)不再能放进箱子。
- Increased stability for players who have experienced crashes.
- 为经历了游戏崩溃的玩家提升了稳定性。
- Straightened the Museum (highly requested)
- 摆正了博物馆建筑(museum)(玩家强烈要求)。
详情请至官方 discord 频道查看。