1- more race packs are part of the new roadmap
2- Cathay and Kislev new units discriptions been sent by Andy today for CA bases on Old Wolrd army book
3- Andy confrm that after Three Kingdoom GW greenlight Cathay as WH 3 army
4- Loading screen's are hint for some future characters
5- Lord packs are no longer priority and new type of dlcs are on the way
领主对抗包优先级不高 未来有新类型
6- Nippon dlc went from Nope to Dont hold your breath
尼朋从没有可能 到别抱期望
7- 3.0 is all about Chorfs
8- Nagash and Thanquol on the way, but are far in works as Andy implied WH 3 roadmap is at start of the cycle, but these two characters will be in as they are to big to ignore
那伽什和川奎罗在遥远的未来 他们影响力太大难以忽略 锤三的路线图只是刚开始
9- More CoC style dlcs
更多Champions of Chaos混勇这种dlc
10- AoS demon units can be brought to the game as it was approved by GW
11- Big forge world hints for dawi are on the way
12 - Big Ammy Award actor was set to voice Cathay dragon
13- Old World tabletop game as main source for some new dlcs
14 - Tamurkhan book as big inspiration for future content
15 - Advisior came to be, because of CA shutting down idea to do specific advisor for each faction
ca没打算给每个势力用独特顾问 所以选了顾问老头
16 - More original content like Coast is possible due to GW been more open too it
17- WH 3 life cycle will be longer then WH 2
18- Old LL will slowly get Volkmar like updates
19- Roadmap after 3.0 update
20 - Tomb King LL with swarm body is option for new TK content as nurgling swarm mechanic would allow him to join the game
圣甲虫为身体的古墓王传奇未来有可能 因为ca做了纳垢灵 会做这种东西了
2- Cathay and Kislev new units discriptions been sent by Andy today for CA bases on Old Wolrd army book
3- Andy confrm that after Three Kingdoom GW greenlight Cathay as WH 3 army
4- Loading screen's are hint for some future characters
5- Lord packs are no longer priority and new type of dlcs are on the way
领主对抗包优先级不高 未来有新类型
6- Nippon dlc went from Nope to Dont hold your breath
尼朋从没有可能 到别抱期望
7- 3.0 is all about Chorfs
8- Nagash and Thanquol on the way, but are far in works as Andy implied WH 3 roadmap is at start of the cycle, but these two characters will be in as they are to big to ignore
那伽什和川奎罗在遥远的未来 他们影响力太大难以忽略 锤三的路线图只是刚开始
9- More CoC style dlcs
更多Champions of Chaos混勇这种dlc
10- AoS demon units can be brought to the game as it was approved by GW
11- Big forge world hints for dawi are on the way
12 - Big Ammy Award actor was set to voice Cathay dragon
13- Old World tabletop game as main source for some new dlcs
14 - Tamurkhan book as big inspiration for future content
15 - Advisior came to be, because of CA shutting down idea to do specific advisor for each faction
ca没打算给每个势力用独特顾问 所以选了顾问老头
16 - More original content like Coast is possible due to GW been more open too it
17- WH 3 life cycle will be longer then WH 2
18- Old LL will slowly get Volkmar like updates
19- Roadmap after 3.0 update
20 - Tomb King LL with swarm body is option for new TK content as nurgling swarm mechanic would allow him to join the game
圣甲虫为身体的古墓王传奇未来有可能 因为ca做了纳垢灵 会做这种东西了