以下是一些关于吸引力法则的书籍:1. 《吸引力法则》(The Law of Attraction) by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks2. 《秘密》(The Secret) by Rhonda Byrne3. 《幸福课》(The Happiness Course) by Andrew Matthews4. 《引爆点》(The Tipping Point) by Malcolm Gladwell5. 《流畅的人生》(Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience) by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi6. 《思维导图》(The Mind Map Book) by Tony Buzan7. 《奇迹的旅程》(The Journey of Miracles) by Sylvia Browne8. 《自我救赎》(Self-Redemption) by David S. Kidder9. 《你只是一个想法的差距》(You Are the Gap Between Your Thoughts) by Richard Carlson10. 《无牵无挂》(The Power of Now) by Eckhart Tolle这些书籍都深入浅出地讲述了吸引力法则的本质和应用,有助于读者理解吸引力法则,并在日常生活中运用。