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IP属地:河北来自Android客户端1楼2024-04-20 23:19回复
    Long long time ago, a Nameless from the Welkin Empire of Glamoth discovered a unique firefly species on a forgotten planet. These fireflies would transform into a luminescent liquid upon their demise, a rare substance brimming with life force. However, the honorable Nameless never abused this gift from nature. After his extensive travels, the Nameless returned to Glamoth, his hometown, only to find it engulfed in a never-ending war. Many people, including children, were forced onto the battlefield and died young. To add a touch of warmth and strength to the fleeting yet glorious lives of those born for war, thereturned to Glamoth, his hometown, only to find it engulfed in a never-ending war. Many people, including children, were forced onto the battlefield and died young. To add a touch of warmth and strength to the fleeting yet glorious lives of those born for war, the Nameless decided to create a special beverage called Flaviation, using the luminescent liquid he found on the forgotten planet as its main ingredient. Consuming Flaviation could enhance physical abilities, aiding the soldiers in maintaining alertness and composure during combat. Legend has it that Flaviation also allowed the soldiers to see a beautiful world illuminated by the glow of fireflies in their final moments, allowing their souls to depart in peace.
    The beverage and its story have become a legend, symbolizing the desire for peace and the longing for life. The Nameless, known as the "Guardian of Fireflies," has also become a legendary figure. His story, intertwined with Flaviation, is sung on every tumultuous night, reminding people that even in darkness, they can find light and hope.

    IP属地:河北来自Android客户端2楼2024-04-20 23:19

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2024-04-20 23:40

        IP属地:江西来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-04-21 00:03

          IP属地:浙江5楼2024-04-21 00:15
            很久以前,有一位来自苍穹帝国格拉默的无名客,他在一颗被遗忘的星球上发现了一种独特的萤火虫种群,这些萤火虫在生命凋零之际会转化为一种发光的液体,这是一种充满生命力的物质。然而,这位尊敬的无名客并没有滥用这份来自自然的馈赠。在经过深度旅行(extensive travel,象征着广阔领域的认知和探索,不是简简单单的旅行)之后,无名客回到了他的家乡格拉默,却发现家乡被卷入了无休止的战争。包括孩子在内,很多人被迫踏上战场并且英年早逝。

            IP属地:河南来自iPhone客户端6楼2024-04-21 00:27