然后是比较直接的证据,官方攻略书出版方future press在 Elden Ring Book of Knowledge Volume II: Shards of the Shattering里面对宫崎英高的采访,这里有原文:
Can you tell us about the process you go through when you design an area in Elden Ring? How does designing an open world area like Limgrave differ from creating a level in one of your previous games? Does lore come first, then geography, then enemies and bosses, or does it vary?
For Elden Ring, area design tended to begin with the lore. This was due to the fascinating mythos penned for us by Mr. Martin. Caelid, for example, is known for being the land where Radahn and Malenia fought at the end of the Shattering, so this was a starting point for the level design and visual design as well.
This method for designing the world and its parts is unique to Elden Ring and a major departure from our previous titles.