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IP属地:安徽1楼2024-07-10 00:41回复
    实际上这篇采访我之前也有看过,是Game Informer 2022年的采访,这里是原始链接
    Speaking with game director Hidetaka Miyazaki, it’s clear that while George R.R. Martin laid out the initial worldbuilding and characters, From has taken it in new directions during this collaboration, including some directions Martin might not expect. “When Martin wrote these characters, and when he provided that origin story and that mythos for the world of Elden Ring, these demigods were much closer to their original form, and maybe closer to human form back then, before the Shattering,” says Miyazaki. “So it was more up to us to interpret this and say, ‘how did they become such inhuman monsters? And how did the mad taint of the shattered shards of the Elden Ring and its power affect them?’ So that was our job to take these grand heroes and sort of misshape them and distort them into something that they’re not. And I think if we get a chance to show Martin and if he gets a chance to see the game and see these characters, I think he might be a bit shocked. When he wrote them, he was really envisioning something a little bit more human, a little bit more traditional human drama and fantasy characters. I hope he gets a kick out of that.” The process of taking these human, heroic-but-flawed characters and breaking them into grotesque monsters was a lot of fun, Miyazaki said. Miyazaki’s favorite character that Martin created is known as Rykard – though we don’t have anything else about that one other than the name right now.
    重点在这里,“these demigods were much closer to their original form, and maybe closer to human form back then, before the Shattering,”可以看出“在破碎战争之前”是修饰“原始形态”以及“人类形态”的,宫崎英高做的事情只是扭曲了他们的样子,跟破碎战争实际上发生的事情并没有关系,这也是基本的逻辑推断

    IP属地:安徽2楼2024-07-10 00:41
      然后是经典的2022年Stephen Colbert的采访,这里有视频,
      马丁说的话全文如下:But they made it clear that Elden Ring was going to take place in let's say the present of their game universe. But what they wanted me to write was what happened, like, 5000 years before that, that totally screwed up the world, so that the present was really messed up.
      So I went back and wrote a history of what happened 5000 years before the current game, and who all the characters were, and who was killing each other, and what powers they had. They had these runes that were the center of the game, and the rune got split into many, many pieces and runes, and that's what screwed up the world, so, I laid all that out.

      IP属地:安徽3楼2024-07-10 00:42
        Edge: What form did his Elden Ring mythos take when it arrived with you? Short stories? Character sketches?
        HM: There was nothing visual — it was all text. Rather than being a short story, it was something that depicted the setting or set the scene for the game and for the world, detailing the flow of history and the figures who appeared throughout it. There was, of course, a story that came with this as a sort of backbone, but it played as more of an introduction to that world and a natural course of events for these characters to follow. And this is what was given to me and the team, and then we were able to interpret this in our own way and provide the visuals to go along with that, and to build that into an actual game. A lot of the motifs that came from this and drove my creative thinking behind these elements in the game were connections between people, including parent-and-child relationships. A lot of the issues that Mr Martin dealt with in his writing provided these motifs for the game itself, so that is something I am very grateful for.
        这段采访透露了很多信息,首先马丁提供的文本不仅写了世界观设定,“ detailing the flow of history and the figures who appeared throughout it. ”也描述了“历史的流动”以及“登场的人物”。 “natural course of events for these characters to follow. ”这些故事作为游戏的骨干介绍了角色所遵循的自然过程。然后才是宫崎英高团队如何用自己的方式去阐释并作出游戏。显然这种故事和设定描绘的是非常全面的,虽然没有直接提到破碎战争。

        IP属地:安徽4楼2024-07-10 00:42
          然后是IGN 2021年的采访,
          里面直接提到了“George R.R. Martin brought things to the table that we couldn't have done by ourselves, in terms of that rich storytelling and that sense of character and drama.”

          IP属地:安徽5楼2024-07-10 00:43
            然后是Game Informer采访提到的人物设计的理念,
            IGN: One of the things that really struck me in the trailer was the enemy designs – some of the wildest designs I've ever seen, really. I wonder if there's any sort of unifying theme or inspiration that you use when coming up with the enemies and the bosses for this game, and if you can elaborate a little bit about them?
            HM: I'm glad you picked up on that. There are several themes to the enemy designs. One main theme of the main bosses of the game, in particular, are that they are essentially demigods – and characters who are written, again, by George R.R. Martin – and they inherited the mad tainted power of the Elden Ring shards once it was shattered. We wanted to depict these beings as not just creatures and horrible monsters, but have an element of heroism and an element of mythology to them. Essentially, they are the old gods of this world.
            And part of the design of these major characters is that in inheriting the shards of the Elden Ring, they each inherited a different power or element, so to speak, and each was twisted and warped in its own way, and it brought a tainted strength to each of them. They each fell to madness and fell to ruin in their own individual ways. So while there is heroic and mythological elements to them, they are also going to have this very mad taint and this deep-seated ruin to them. We hope players enjoy discovering each of them for themselves.
            “again, by George R.R. Martin – and they inherited the mad tainted power of the Elden Ring shards once it was shattered.”注意,宫崎英高在提到这些马丁写的半神的时候紧跟着说了他们收到了老头环破碎的影响,接受了老头环碎片失控的,受污染的力量,(也就是宫崎英高设计这些半神非人形态的出发点),也就是开场CG里那句“The mad taint of their newfound strength triggered the shattering”,也就是说,从这里至少可以模糊的得出,从老头环破碎,到半神继承碎片,接受被污染的力量这些部分为止是马丁写的,而这个“受到被污染的力量”的事实,正是直接推动破碎战争产生的原因,作家写了故事的起因,却不写故事的过程,这不符合逻辑吧?

            IP属地:安徽6楼2024-07-10 00:43
              然后是比较直接的证据,官方攻略书出版方future press在 Elden Ring Book of Knowledge Volume II: Shards of the Shattering里面对宫崎英高的采访,这里有原文:https://docs.go谷ogle.com/docum歌ent/d/14XDfHej5T7JNkodLgl_BfhMQomYDC6pRf8Ag2FqlWGE/edit
              Can you tell us about the process you go through when you design an area in Elden Ring? How does designing an open world area like Limgrave differ from creating a level in one of your previous games? Does lore come first, then geography, then enemies and bosses, or does it vary?
              For Elden Ring, area design tended to begin with the lore. This was due to the fascinating mythos penned for us by Mr. Martin. Caelid, for example, is known for being the land where Radahn and Malenia fought at the end of the Shattering, so this was a starting point for the level design and visual design as well.
              This method for designing the world and its parts is unique to Elden Ring and a major departure from our previous titles.

              IP属地:安徽7楼2024-07-10 00:44
                George R.R. Martin provided us the mythos for the world, which takes place many, many years before the events of the game, and really shapes a lot of the current state of the world and its characters. We think this original mythos that he created really had a lot of influence on our approach to the narrative this time. George R.R. Martin was kind enough to hand that over for us to do what we want with it, and Miyazaki has had a lot of fun playing around with that mythos.
                We felt it was a really inspiring collaboration. When George R.R. Martin says “Okay, here’s the mythos, do what you will with it,” Miyazaki is just going to run with it. So he’s really taken a lot of inspiration. Miyazaki has really been free to take his own interpretations and create his own characters based off of that. He’s really enjoyed having this script as a backbone.

                IP属地:安徽8楼2024-07-10 00:45

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