在 Wildcard 公司,幕后有许多工作正在进行,因为我们正在为一年中我们最喜爱的活动之一 “恐惧飞升”(Fear Ascended)以及与我们工作室密切相关的 “额外生命”(Extra Life)公益活动做准备。我们看到社区对 “恐惧飞升” 充满了期待,那我们就直接公布日期吧!
阴影正在逐渐逼近……“恐惧飞升” 将于 2024 年 10 月 30 日至 2024 年 11 月 13 日在《方舟》中伸出它的爪牙,带来大量与恐龙相关的诡异乐趣和原始恐惧。随着夜幕降临,准备好迎接一个令人毛骨悚然而非伤筋动骨的惊悚季节吧。幸存者们,竖起你们的耳朵 —— 下一期《社区要闻》中还隐藏着更多内容!
There's a lot going on behind the curtain at Wildcard as we gear up for one of our favorite events of the year, Fear Ascended, and a cause that's close to our hearts at the Studio, Extra Life. We've seen lots of excitement about Fear Ascended in the community so let's jump straight in and share the date!
The shadows are creeping closer... Fear Ascended is set to sink its claws into ARK from 10/30/2024 to 11/13/2024, unleashing a dino-sized dose of eerie delights and primal frights. As the night closes in, get ready for a spooky season that’s more bone-shaking than bone-breaking. Keep your ears to the ground, Survivors—there’s more lurking in the next Community Crunch!
阴影正在逐渐逼近……“恐惧飞升” 将于 2024 年 10 月 30 日至 2024 年 11 月 13 日在《方舟》中伸出它的爪牙,带来大量与恐龙相关的诡异乐趣和原始恐惧。随着夜幕降临,准备好迎接一个令人毛骨悚然而非伤筋动骨的惊悚季节吧。幸存者们,竖起你们的耳朵 —— 下一期《社区要闻》中还隐藏着更多内容!
There's a lot going on behind the curtain at Wildcard as we gear up for one of our favorite events of the year, Fear Ascended, and a cause that's close to our hearts at the Studio, Extra Life. We've seen lots of excitement about Fear Ascended in the community so let's jump straight in and share the date!
The shadows are creeping closer... Fear Ascended is set to sink its claws into ARK from 10/30/2024 to 11/13/2024, unleashing a dino-sized dose of eerie delights and primal frights. As the night closes in, get ready for a spooky season that’s more bone-shaking than bone-breaking. Keep your ears to the ground, Survivors—there’s more lurking in the next Community Crunch!