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• 词根(Root):
• 词根是构成单词的核心部分,是单词的基本含义单位。
• 词根不能单独存在,它需要与其他词素(如前缀、后缀)结合才能形成完整的单词。
• 词根是不可分割的,它不能进一步分解成更小的有意义的部分。
• 例如,在单词“television”中,“tele-”是前缀,表示“远”,而“-vision”是词根,表示“看”。
• 词干(Stem):
• 词干是单词去掉所有词尾变化后剩下的部分,它可以是一个词根,也可以是一个词根加上一些不可变化的词缀。
• 词干可以独立存在,也可以与其他词缀结合形成新词。
• 词干可以进一步变化,通过添加不同的后缀来形成不同的词形,但这些变化通常不会改变词干的基本含义。
• 例如,在单词“running”中,“run”是词干,它包含了词根和可能的不可分割的词缀,而“-ing”是表示进行时态的后缀。

IP属地:四川来自Android客户端1楼2024-12-08 23:42回复
    • 词根的例子:
    • 词根:"aud"(听)
    • 单词:"audio"(声音的),"audience"(听众),"auditorium"(礼堂)
    • 这些单词都包含词根"aud",表示与“听”相关的概念。
    • 词干的例子:
    • 词干:"run"
    • 单词:"running"(跑步的),"runner"(跑步者),"runway"(跑道)
    • 在这些单词中,"run"是词干,它包含了词根和可能的不可分割的词缀。"running"中的"-ing"是后缀,表示进行时态。
    • 词根和词干结合的例子:
    • 词根:"scrib"(写)
    • 词干:"script"
    • 单词:"script"(剧本),"inscription"(铭文),"manuscript"(手稿)
    • 在这里,"scrib"是词根,而"script"是词干,它包含了词根和可能的不可分割的词缀。"inscription"中的"-in-"和"manuscript"中的"-manu-"是前缀,分别表示“在...上”和“手”。
    • 词干变化的例子:
    • 词干:"act"
    • 单词:"action"(行动),"active"(积极的),"actor"(演员)
    • "act"是词干,它包含了词根"act"(做)。通过添加不同的后缀,可以形成不同的含义和词性。

    IP属地:四川来自Android客户端2楼2024-12-08 23:42
      它主要是对世界上各种语言进行分类和比较研究。比如,从语序角度看,有的语言像汉语、英语是SVO(主语 - 谓语 - 宾语)语序,“我吃饭”;而有的语言如日语是SOV(主语 - 宾语 - 谓语)语序,“我饭吃”。

      IP属地:四川来自Android客户端3楼2024-12-16 17:52
        The Significance of Stress in English Pronunciation
        Stress, a seemingly subtle yet powerful element in English, plays a pivotal role in effective communication. It acts as a guide, leading the listener through the maze of words and sentences, and unlocking the true meaning intended by the speaker.
        In the realm of word pronunciation, stress patterns vary according to the number of syllables. Single-syllable words, like “book” or “pen”, are pronounced with a consistent emphasis. However, when it comes to multi-syllable words, the rules become more intricate. In disyllabic words such as “be‘gin” and “a‘bout”, the second syllable often takes the stress, which helps distinguish them from words like “‘table” where the first syllable is emphasized. Trisyllabic words commonly stress the second syllable too, as seen in “in‘terest” and “‘family”. Quadrisyllabic words usually place the stress on the penultimate syllable, for example, “uni‘versity” and “‘library”. This systematic stressing within words not only facilitates correct enunciation but also aids in word recognition and memorization. When learners master these patterns, their spoken English becomes more fluent and natural, reducing misunderstandings.
        Sentence stress is equally crucial. The focus stress serves to highlight the most important part of the sentence. Consider the sentence “She gave me a book”. If the speaker wants to emphasize who did the giving, the stress would fall on “She” - “‘She gave me a book”. Conversely, if the gift is the center of attention, then “book” would be stressed - “She gave me a ‘book”. This flexibility in stressing allows for a myriad of nuances in communication. Emphatic stress, on the other hand, injects emotion and emphasis. For instance, in the sentence “I ‘did finish my homework”, the stressed “did” conveys determination and certainty, leaving no room for doubt. In conversations, proper sentence stress can engage the listener, making the interaction more dynamic and engaging

        IP属地:四川来自Android客户端4楼2024-12-27 14:26