原文: 15 October 2010 @ 06:14 pm True Eyes KNGPH (Just want to share my article in our KNGPH Fanpage , in celebration of our 9 monthsarry on the 20th. ^^)
Do not fret, our true eyes.. For you won’t be forgotten We will wait until you return We will cherish and relive your works while you’re gone Your sons and daughters will here to stay We’ll be waiting, until you wave to us smiling, saying.. “I am back again”
Thanks for Lyra agree share her articles and pictures with us. So we can have this touching article and beautiful picture to enjoy. 谢谢Lyra本人同意分享她的文章和图片。于是我们才可以欣赏到这么动人心弦的文章和优美的图片。