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闪电战GZM11.3模组 苏联战役个人汉化



IP属地:辽宁1楼2025-01-04 19:57回复
    苏联战役 第一章 章节介绍
    After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the young Soviet republic faced the task of protecting the Fatherland. V.I. Lenin taught: "Only that revolution is something that knows how to defend himself."
    Counter -revolutionary forces within the country did not reconcile the victory of workers, peasants and the establishment of Soviet power, for the sake of the overthrow of which the White Guards and their accomplices unleashed a civil war.
    You, a veteran of the imperialist war, became the commander of a detachment of the Red Army, and you have to take the first steps in your military career.

    IP属地:辽宁2楼2025-01-04 19:59
      Intelligence by battle, 1919. 通过战斗获得情报,1919年
      It was descended from the family of a school teacher, by decision of your parents, you started studying at the Theological Seminary, but you were quickly disappointed in the clergy and theological sciences.
      But, within the walls of the seminary, you underground met with the teachings of Karl Marx and decided that among the clergy you have no place.
      You decided to continue your studies at a real school, which you graduated with honors.
      Next step was the institute where you were able to find like -minded people and create an underground Marxist circle.
      However, in the third year, you, as well as other students, were urgently mobilized and sent to the "training school of infantry warrant officers."
      Five months later, in the rank of ensign, you were sent to the reserve part, and from there to the front.
      In the summer of 1916, you took part in the offensive on Kovel and received valuable combat experience, as well as the first award - the Order of St. George of the 4th degree.
      You should have been produced in the second seconds, but having information about your "left" views, the command decided to wait.
      In 1917, the news of the February Revolution found you in cold trenches.
      Desertion and frostbite of soldiers led to the fact that your part was sent to the rear in the spring, to replenish the recruits of the 4th stage.
      General confusion and the lack of a replenishment of the desire to go to the front led to the fact that in the summer the part was never prepared to send to the front line.
      In the unit, a soldier committee was created, which decided that without reaching a part of the regular number and combat readiness, part would not go to the front.
      In the fall, squads of the Red Guard began to form, which you decided to enter, and a month later, you already commanded a small detachment.
      Having taken part in the first skirmishes with the enemy, your detachment received combat experience and became the basis for the formation of the company of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, which was gained into the division and sent to the south ...
      This is an intelligence operation. Beat whites from the specified area and grab warehouses.

      IP属地:辽宁3楼2025-01-04 20:02
        To capture the village, using armored vehicles and tacocks for this.
        It was descended from the family of a school teacher, by decision of your parents, you started studying at the Theological Seminary, but you were quickly disappointed in the clergy and theological sciences.
        But, within the walls of the seminary, you underground met with the teachings of Karl Marx and decided that among the clergy you have no place.
        You decided to continue your studies at a real school, which you graduated with honors.
        Next step was the institute where you were able to find like -minded people and create an underground Marxist circle.
        However, in the third year, you, as well as other students, were urgently mobilized and sent to the "training school of infantry warrant officers."
        Five months later, in the rank of ensign, you were sent to the reserve part, and from there to the front.
        In the summer of 1916, you took part in the offensive on Kovel and received valuable combat experience, as well as the first award - the Order of St. George of the 4th degree.
        You should have been produced in the second seconds, but having information about your "left" views, the command decided to wait.
        In 1917, the news of the February Revolution found you in cold trenches.
        Desertion and frostbite of soldiers led to the fact that your part was sent to the rear in the spring, to replenish the recruits of the 4th stage.
        General confusion and the lack of a replenishment of the desire to go to the front led to the fact that in the summer the part was never prepared to send to the front line.
        In the unit, a soldier committee was created, which decided that without reaching a part of the regular number and combat readiness, part would not go to the front.
        In the fall, squads of the Red Guard began to form, which you decided to enter, and a month later, you already commanded a small detachment.
        Having taken part in the first skirmishes with the enemy, your detachment received combat experience and became the basis for the formation of the company of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, which was gained into the division and sent to the south ...
        Opposite this village in the estuary there is a small place, which can be wade and go to the rear. Your task is to free this village from Kornilovites.
        Highlight the armored vehicles and let them “follow in combat readiness” (key [a]) at the indicated point (purple arrow on the mini-card).
        To give the order to follow in combat readiness, you can also click on the right button at the destination point with a closed key [Ctrl].
        You can call the help window (key [F1]) and a warfare window at any time (key [Tab] key). To turn the game into a pause mode, press the [gap] key.

        IP属地:辽宁4楼2025-01-04 20:04
          第二个任务 Change the battle order of the infantry改变步兵的战斗命令
          You can choose the desired combat order of the infantry platoon.
          For long distances, the order “on the march” is best suited, at which the speed of movement increases. Battle order is convenient for a rapid offensive.
          Now highlight all the platoons and let the command “change the battle order” (key [z]) with the “running” option (key [w]).

          IP属地:辽宁5楼2025-01-04 20:05
            第三个任务 Take the house storm强攻房屋
            In the house of the local landowner, a detachment of Kornilovites settled, knock them out of there.
            Infantry can take buildings by storm. If you want the soldiers not to shell the structure, but take it by storming, click on it with the right mouse button with a closed key [alt].
            Please note that the soldiers who have fallen under fire are trying to move in plastun. If you give the command “change the battle order” with the “running” option, the soldiers will run to the indicated goal, not paying attention to the enemy fire.
            Now take a storm house at a point indicated by the purple arrow on a mini-card.

            IP属地:辽宁6楼2025-01-04 20:06
              第四个任务 Expand artillery 展开火炮
              Artillery has arrived in your starting position. Guns are delivered to combat positions with the help of tractors. To expand artillery in position, highlight all the tractors and click on one of them with the right button. You can single out all the tractors at once with a double click of one of them.
              To attach the gun to the tractor for transportation, select the tractor and click on the gun on the gun.
              To see the radius of the shelling of the gun, select it and press the [alt]+[r] keys.

              IP属地:辽宁7楼2025-01-04 20:08
                第四个任务 Expand artillery 展开火炮
                Artillery has arrived in your starting position. Guns are delivered to combat positions with the help of tractors. To expand artillery in position, highlight all the tractors and click on one of them with the right button. You can single out all the tractors at once with a double click of one of them.
                To attach the gun to the tractor for transportation, select the tractor and click on the gun on the gun.
                To see the radius of the shelling of the gun, select it and press the [alt]+[r] keys.

                IP属地:辽宁8楼2025-01-04 20:09
                  第五个任务 Counter -battery struggle 反炮兵作战
                  Look at the mini-card. Approximate arrangement of enemy artillery is shown on it with orange circles.
                  You can destroy enemy artillery with your own. Guns can be constant at the specified point.
                  However, remember that the enemy has exactly the same capabilities.
                  Now close this window.

                  IP属地:辽宁9楼2025-01-04 20:10
                    6 Firing the enemy artbatare 向敌方炮兵开火
                    Highlight the guns and give the command to be permanent fire (the “lead permanent fire” team, the key [z]) at the specified point (purple arrow on the mini-card).
                    It will take a certain time to destroy the enemy artillery.

                    IP属地:辽宁10楼2025-01-04 20:12
                      7 Warehouses 仓库
                      Supply system consists of a basic warehouse (a large accumulation of boxes and barrels without a icon from above) and a number of field warehouses (heaps of boxes and barrels over which the corresponding icon is displayed).
                      Warehouses belonging to the enemy are indicated by red badges, your own - green. Only field warehouses can be captured.
                      Now close this window.

                      IP属地:辽宁11楼2025-01-04 20:12
                        8.Seize positions.占领阵地
                        Behhota Belykh fell behind the estuary, covering the approaches to an important station.
                        Take the enemy’s positions with infantry and cavalry in the “follow in combat readiness” mode (key [a]).
                        别霍塔·别利赫(Behhota Belykh)落在了河口之后,掩护着一个重要据点的进路。

                        IP属地:辽宁12楼2025-01-04 20:13
                          9.Deliver a sniper to the ford 将狙击手送至渡口。
                          It is convenient to conduct intelligence using a sniper, transferring it into a secretive movement mode by the command “change the battle order” (key [z]) with the “secretive movement” option (key [a]). In this mode, the sniper will move almost imperceptibly for the enemy. In addition, a sniper has binoculars that increases its visibility radius by 60%. Use binoculars (key [x]) to observe enemy positions.
                          Get the sniper by car to the ford. To do this, select the sniper and put in the car, clicking on it with the right mouse button. Send the car to the ford.
                          To plant a sniper, select the car and click on it with the right mouse button (or press the [Z] key and click with the right mouse button at the landing point).

                          IP属地:辽宁13楼2025-01-04 20:14
                            10.Perform artillery shooting 进行炮火射击
                            A sniper is able to adjust the fire of artillery.
                            To do this, first conduct reconnaissance of the enemy’s positions with the help of a sniper. Remember the presence of binoculars (key [x]), which increases the radius of visibility.
                            Noticed the motionless combat units of the enemy is most effective to destroy with heavy artillery in the "shooting" mode. In this mode, the guns automatically fire for all goals in the specified area with increased accuracy. To enable the shooting mode for the selected tools, press the [X] key.
                            To display on the screen of the shooting area of the selected gun, press the key [alt]+[z].

                            IP属地:辽宁14楼2025-01-04 20:14
                              11.Call a reconnaissance aircraft 召唤侦察机
                              You can cause air support.
                              To do this, select the “Air Support” command, then - an option corresponding to the caused type of aviation. After that, set the patrol area by clicking the right mouse button at the destination (or several points with a key pressed [Shift]).
                              Now call the reconnaissance aircraft to observe enemy positions in the Brod area.

                              IP属地:辽宁15楼2025-01-04 20:15