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偶吧加油↖(^ω^)↗ 花粉加油↖(^ω^)↗

1楼2012-03-10 03:33回复
    所以苹果能跟梨杂交, 乌鸦能跟鸽子撒娇,好好的守护BOSS都能变成TVB的腔调,
    Owing to science and technology, the world is being developed more rapidly than we imagine, many impossible dreams have been realized, while an increasing number of evil doings appear and are performed more easily. (此处只翻译大意,并未逐字翻译)
    What one audio without pictures or images will be turned into, if intensively edited and composed?
    We will show you as follows:

    4楼2012-03-10 03:41
      1.【Simulation and Reconstruction of the Scene, Many Doubts Are Found】
      @STILL_in_LOVE_KJJ: [Scene Reconstruction] I ask one of my roommate to help me together record this audio. Supposing that the saseng fan is hit while recording the sound, we simulate the situation. The recorder is SONY+ICD-UX512F+2G at the price of 1080RMB, which is certainly no worse than that of saseng fan. Please listen.


      5楼2012-03-10 03:44
        Words on screen:
        The recording place: student dormitory without noises;
        The situation: A grabs B’s left arm and heavily hit B’s head. B screams out of pains. This is recorded for testing noises in this situation.
        Equipment: SONY+ICD-UX512F+2G at the price of 1080RMB
        Scene 1: A third party records the sounds closely. We can hear obvious noise of bumping.
        Scene 2: The recorder is kept in pocket. We can hear obvious noise of attrition.
        Doubt 1: After recording we can see that girls normally scream in a high-pitched sound when feeling pain. But the saseng fan’s sound in JJ’s audio is investigated as no reflecting pains or fears. So how can one girl react that calmly when beinghit?
        Doubt 2: The possibility of keeping the recorder in hand when recording JJ can be estimated as zero, so there are two scenarios: a. A third party is on the site recording within one meter distance from JJ. On that condition the third party must be influenced when the saseng fan is hit and there cannot be without any noise of bumping. In reality the third party is impossible not to produce any sound. b. If the recorder is kept in the saseng fan’s pocket, during the hit, it will certainly records the noise of attrition. This noise cannot be removed by noise reduction methods.
        Conclusion: The audio has many doubts against truthfulness. By one simple recording we can see some points. Our hearts and endeavors to protect JJ from ill imputation are unanimous.

        6楼2012-03-10 03:45
          2.Record Shooting of Voiceprint, Proving the Audio is Composed roughly
          Please look at the short shooting. This video records the analyzing process of the voiceprint in the audio. When human voice appears, the red voiceprint will appear. This audio is composed of three parts. At the connection point of Part 1 and Part 2 (appearing the voice similar to JJ), the red voiceprint on the right appears in a large width, much wider than that in Part 1; likewise, the red voiceprint in Part 2 is wider than that in Part 3. This phenomenon shows that the audio is edited and composite. What’s more, if you want to insert other sounds in the audio, it is just a work of copying and pasting the sounds you need.
          To sum up in a simple sentence, this video proves that the audio is composite and the skill is rather rough.


          7楼2012-03-10 03:47

            3.The Analysis of Voiceprint Also Proves the Audio is Edited and Composed for Many Times; The Recording Background Weirdly Changes Many Times
            [About Part 1 of the Audio]: Please see the picture below: Firstly, 1’30 is an obvious dividing line, from 1:28:7 to 1:29:8 it is blank, illustrating this two sessions are composed together. Secondly, wavelength after 1’30 nearly stays same, while before 1’30 undulates obviously. If the background noises are recorded at the same time, the wavelength will not change a lot.

            Please see the time points in the picture, traces of disconnection and splice of the voiceprint are very clear. The wave shapes of the voiceprint in two parts divided at 1’30 are much different. Everyone knows that if in an open environment (e.g. this audio is supposed to be recorded on road), however you record there exists a sound of electric current, so the background sound is a bit noisy. Such silence cannot happen as reflected on the point marked.

            8楼2012-03-10 03:51
              [About Part 1 of the Audio]Again let’s see the session from 24’0-26’5, wave length of this session is natural, the wider part represents the loudest car horn. At 26’2 the sound of cars can still be heard, but from 26’3 to 26’4 we can see one weird vertical line in the picture, and the car sound before suddenly disappears, and only occurs a sound “Da”. It is weirder that at 26’6 the car sound recovers after sudden disappearance(or reduction) for 0’2.

              [Again the Session from 24’0 to 26’5] We enlarge this picture and focus on part from 26’18 to 26’35, where the wave length appears in a cycle of trough-peak-trough. Please carefully look at the part in white and compare it with the part left, it is clear that the peak of the white part disappears! Then from 26’33 to 26’34 appears the weird vertical line, where we can hear the sound “Da”. Apparently this session is processed.


              9楼2012-03-10 03:54
                Based on Wave Shape Analysis the Audio is Proved Edited and Composite; and the Background Sound Has Many Unclear Cuts

                We know that if you make a sound recording without changes in place, it has one background sound. Please look at the wave shape analysis below. At about 26’the background sound turns louder. Maybe it can be explained as there is a car passing by at that moment, but how does a normally running car take several minutes to go some meters? Also aiming at the last part about hitting, which is the fiercest, its wave shape is much different. From this we can see obvious tracing of editing and adding in this part. (为图片中文字部分翻译;梳理中文后再中翻英)

                10楼2012-03-10 03:57
                  Consulting Professionals on Audios and Concluding this Audio is Composite
                  F 微博 闯祸不闯祸不是闯祸
                  F: @ 闯祸不闯祸不是闯祸The screenshot below shows one fan consulting a professional one part of the audio lasting about 2 minutes, and is reminded of one point: The saseng fan’s groan sounds fake and reflects no feeling of pain or fear!! How can one girl react in this way after being hit?
                  F:_Sssu_ 注(蓝色图片部分)
                  F:_Sssu_ (Note: Words in blue)

                  Translation of the blue words in the picture (图片中蓝字翻译)
                  I doubt the girl’s groan. It is so clear, without any noises and showing no feeling of pain. So here is the conclusion:
                  1. The audio is edited at 23rd and 77th seconds;
                  2. The girl’s groan sounds fake, it is clear, without any noise and showing no feeling of pain or fear.
                  Comparing with a real reaction when someone is hit, please see evidence 1—The Reconstruction of the Audio.

                  11楼2012-03-10 04:01
                    Rate of Similarity to JJ’s Voice is Not High, Doubting This is Leaded by Later Adding and Editing
                    Taking JJ’s voice in COO as the benchmark, the average similarity rate of Part 1 is 0.76, Part 2 is 0.6825, Part 3 is 0.75, and Part 4 is 0.545 (Taking other audios of JJ to compare with that in COO, the average similarity rate is 1.00).


                    12楼2012-03-10 04:04
                      Asking professionals to analyze the audio and finding that some sessions are without any sound, which proves at least that this audio is not recorded continuously or rearranged.(未逐字翻译,大意翻译)
                      Part 1: Firstly look at the session from 8’ to 11’, here appears a straight line without waves, illustrating that there is no sound during this period. Here trace of editing is clear.

                      Likewise please look at the session from 16’ to 17’, here the straight line appears again and illustrates that there is no sound again.

                      Again we find from the session 1’28 to 1’30, in the middle appears an obvious straight line, here the trace of editing is so clear.

                      Pointing out the groaning sounds in Part 1 and Part 3 are pretty similar, so I compare the audio tracks of the sounds. They are totally the same!! Please look at the comparison below about groans at 1’40 in Part 1 and 1’55 in Part 3.


                      13楼2012-03-10 04:11


                        14楼2012-03-10 04:19

                          15楼2012-03-10 04:22