"sehun: we wash our plates once a week" 一周才洗一次盘子?!?!?
Kai: D.O is like the mother of our group. He cleans the kitchen, the dorm, and even sometimes tell us what hairstyle to do.打扫厨房寝室还给予发型建议
"Kai: I've start learning Jazz and Ballet since 3rd grade, but I've only taken it seriously starting from 6th grade" 3年级就学爵士芭蕾,6年级认真对待
"Baekhyun: Chanyeol sleeps and likes to flip back and forth and turn around 40 times before he's able to fall asleep" 灿烈总要翻腾40次才睡得着。。。
"sehun: we wash our own pile of clothings, we also have our own plates that we eat with, we dont use one anothers" LOL 自己洗自己衣服,用自己餐具