时下老美流行的口号(asl 是什么意思)
2006/12/26 13:48
是:age, sex, location..就是你的年龄,性别,和你现在所在的位置..
不过现在更委婉的说法是:from....., guy?(如果对方是女的,就gal), how old..
1.Hi, there. 嗨, 你好.
2. A/S/L? 缩写asl, 年龄/性别/所在地?
3. S’up? 也写sup , 什么事? 问候语。
4. Lol. 很好笑. 因为 lol 像笑脸, 和我们常用的 ^-^ 一样。
5. Yup/ Nope. 是的/ 不是的.
6. btw=by the way.
7. cool, cool 代表一种感觉,没有语法限制,只要你想,就可以cool出来。
4= for ; BRB = be right back; lil = little; l8r = later (l+eight+r); KIT= keep in touch.
ASAP= as soon as possible; talkin’ = talking; r = are; zm = zone message; thanks=thanx;
cu=see you; FTF=face to face; FYI=For your information; IC=i see; u=you; 1=one;
IMO=In my opinion; IOW=In other word; TIA=Thanx in advance; TTuL=Talk to you later;