圣诞集的六首歌: Feliz Navidad White Christmas Oh Hanukkah Jinlge Bell Rock The first Noel have yourself a merry little Christmas 不知道这个是不是歌曲播放顺序,如果是的话。。。感觉纽约又酱油了
"Naked" casting notice ***Casting Notice*** We are looking for SAG and Non Union Men, Age 18-25 to play college students. Must be overweight and willing to work shirtless This works tomorrow, Wednesday 12/12/12. MUST be in the Los Angeles area and available all day. Please submit an email with a recent photo, name, contact phone # and union status. Subject: SHIRTLESS MEN =============== College student,纽约线的剧情? 于是我被这个暗藏的剧情有些囧到
巴西大表哥关于410的剧透: will kurt be happy in artie's fanatsy? no Is Artie defending Kurt in the dream sequence when Kurt is being pushed against the lockers? Do they have a conversation? yes Can you say something about the flashback with little Kurt in the episode? Thanks! there’s no flashback with little kurt. Is Kurt's mother mentioned at all? yes =============== 基本上没什么新鲜的料, 小强没出现,不过提了强妈