The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.
“微笑挑战”即Smile Challenge,是由Smile Angel Foundation发起的,为了fundraise to benefit children with harelips。
2004年左右,博客热潮席卷全球,the Interview Game逐渐兴起,并最终成为跨国界的社交方式,是冰桶挑战,side face challenge,微笑挑战的雏形。

1、Smile Angel Foundation
2、fundraise to benefit children with harelips
4、the Interview Game
6、side face challenge
7、The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.
1、Smile Angel Foundation 嫣然天使基金
2、fundraise to benefit children with harelips 募集资金救助唇腭裂儿童
3、在朋友圈秀出微笑照 showing their smiling faces in their friend circles
4、the Interview Game 点名游戏
5、冰桶挑战 Ice bucket challenge
6、side face challenge 侧颜挑战
7、The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.“微笑挑战”在中国社交媒体新浪微博上走红,话题点击量达到2.2亿,评论超过5.9万条。 【翻译培训】
注:嫣然天使基金(Smile angel Foundation )是由李亚鹏、王菲倡导发起,在中国红十字基金会的支持和管理下设立的专项公益基金
The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.
“微笑挑战”即Smile Challenge,是由Smile Angel Foundation发起的,为了fundraise to benefit children with harelips。
2004年左右,博客热潮席卷全球,the Interview Game逐渐兴起,并最终成为跨国界的社交方式,是冰桶挑战,side face challenge,微笑挑战的雏形。

1、Smile Angel Foundation
2、fundraise to benefit children with harelips
4、the Interview Game
6、side face challenge
7、The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.
1、Smile Angel Foundation 嫣然天使基金
2、fundraise to benefit children with harelips 募集资金救助唇腭裂儿童
3、在朋友圈秀出微笑照 showing their smiling faces in their friend circles
4、the Interview Game 点名游戏
5、冰桶挑战 Ice bucket challenge
6、side face challenge 侧颜挑战
7、The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.“微笑挑战”在中国社交媒体新浪微博上走红,话题点击量达到2.2亿,评论超过5.9万条。 【翻译培训】
注:嫣然天使基金(Smile angel Foundation )是由李亚鹏、王菲倡导发起,在中国红十字基金会的支持和管理下设立的专项公益基金