Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wearToo calm and sad a face in front of thine;For we too look two ways, and can not shineWith the same sunlight on our brow and hair.请不要这样指责我:我在你面前露出一副太冷静、忧郁的面容;你我原是面朝着两个不同的方向,那普照的阳光照不到两人的前额。
Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wearToo calm and sad a face in front of thine;For we too look two ways, and can not shineWith the same sunlight on our brow and hair.请不要这样指责我:我在你面前露出一副太冷静、忧郁的面容;你我原是面朝着两个不同的方向,那普照的阳光照不到两人的前额。