“He is a hustler He's no good at all He is a loser, he’s a bum, bum,bum, bum He lies, he bluffs He's unreliable. He is a sucker with a gun, gun,gun, gun I know you told me I should stay away. I know you said He’s just a dog astray He is a bad boy with a taintedheart And even I know that this ain'tsmart But mama I'm in love with acriminal And this type of love Isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry I will be alright All reasons aside I just cant deny Love the guy……” 本来流鸫认为以流鹦那半吊子水准唱出来不跑调就算不错了,没想到流鹦唱出来却意外的很好听,大概是她私下经常练习的缘故。 不过流鸫一想到她今天上午在自己和兰汀争执的时候放的那首狐狸精……他整个人都不好了。 在外面玩了一整天,流鸫回居民楼的时候差不多都半夜了,也不知道明天能不能起得来。流鹦在前面欢脱的跳着楼梯,楼道里的声控灯刚灭就又被她的声音弄亮。 “流鹦,你今天实在太丢人了。”站在狭小的楼道里,流鸫忽然这么说。 流鹦跑上好几层楼,只能听到她有些悲凉的声音:“哥,你对我就只有责骂,没想过教导?” 流鸫本想说她这个样子教导还有什么用,可话到嘴边,却怎么也说不出口。 声控灯灭了,这次没有再亮起。