舒伦堡吧 关注:1,727贴子:38,697
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1楼2016-08-23 13:14回复

    2楼2016-08-23 13:14
      根据RD在09年出版的狐狸传记以及FR正文整理出的详细版(09版和FR有部分矛盾= =):
      1915-1918 Volksschule in Saarbruecken(8岁开始练大提琴)
      1918-1928年春 Reform-Realgymnasium in Saarbruecken(就是文理中学Gymnasium)
      1929.4.24-1931.10.16 马尔堡大学,期间加入Corps Guestphalia(兄弟会)
      1931年秋-1933 波恩大学,没有加入那里的Corps Guestphalia
      1933.3.18 在杜塞尔多夫通过第一次司法考试
      1933.4.1 加入NSDAP,No. 3504508,加入SS,No.124817(仅仅是SS-Anwärter,候选人)
      1933.4 began training as Gerichtsreferendar at the Land- u. Amtsgericht at Bonn and Sinzig a/Rhein
      1934.1.10 SS正式成员(SS-Mann)
      1934.6.29 长刀之夜,去Hotel Dreesen in Bad Godesberg on the Rhine做警卫工作

      3楼2016-08-23 13:15
        1935年春 attached as Gerichtsreferendar to the Administrational Training Centre at Police H.Q. (Kriminal and Staatspolizei) at Frankfurt a/Main【 training as a Referendar he took at a district court in Sinzig on the Ahr, in the state attorney’s office in Bonn, with the secret state police in Düsseldorf】;
        While undergoing instruction at Bonn Schellenberg was obliged to attend compulsory regular S.S. parades and in order to avoid these contrived to obtain permission to lecture on legal questions to the other members of the S.S. Through these lectures he came in touch with a Prof. Nehlis, a Prof. of philology and an honorary worker for the S.D. who was impressed with Schellenberg’s legal abilities and in the spring of 1935 introduced him in Frankfurt to Brigadefuehrer [Dr Wilhelm] Albert, head of the section dealing with administration (Leiter I Verwaltung) of the S.D.Hauptamt [Sicherheitsdienst Head Office].Schellenberg subsequently met Albert on a number of occasions and in the spring of 1935 Albert being aware of Schellenberg’s somewhat precarious financial position, suggested that he should undertake some work for the S.D.Hauptamt in Berlin where someone was required with legal knowledge to carry out work concerning Reich reform.

        4楼2016-08-23 13:15
          1935年春末 Schellenberg therefore accepted a position in the S.D.Hauptamt (Organisation and Verwaltungs Abteilung [Organization and Administration Department]) at Berlin, permission for the transfer having been given by the Innen Ministerium [Ministry of the Interior]. Furthermore an arrangement had been come to that he should receive pay as a probationary assessor of the Police Department of the Innen Ministerium as well as his pay from the S.D.Hauptamt.
          1935.11 was sent on a course of legal training at the Referendar Camp at Jueterbog lasting for three months. At the termination of the course Schellenberg found employment at first at the
          Oberlandesgericht [provincial court] in Duesseldorf and later assisting an elderly lawyer, a friend of his father, whose practice it was at this time intended that Schellenberg should take over when he had passed his final examinations for which he was then preparing himself.

          5楼2016-08-23 13:15
            1936.12.18 在杜塞尔多夫通过第二次司法考试
            1936年12月中旬 回柏林(1937.3.27Wilhelm Albert的叙述:“since the middle of December 1936” being occupied with assignments in the area of organization.“This activity brings him together almost only with the influential leaders of the central departments which would urgently suggest his elevation to leadership rank.”)【FR显示1937年1月回柏林】
            1937.3.31 在柏林地区法院宣布退出天主教
            1937 became a Regierungsassessor with the Ministry of the Interior(实际上是由内政部把狐狸借给SD)【FR显示这是38年初的事】
            1938 became a Regierungsrat

            6楼2016-08-23 13:15
              第一版时间轴最大的bug在于很大部分是基于英国人在伦敦对狐狸的审讯,狐狸根本没有告诉英国人索斯诺夫斯基案(最重要的参考物),而且他的确隐瞒或故意混淆视听了许多事【完全迷信审讯记录和档案是非常愚蠢的行为】。而狐狸在1952年遇到安德烈时已经快死了,继续胡编乱造也没有必要。至于狐狸在早期履历上浑水摸鱼的原因,从结果上看他隐瞒了自己加入SD的时间以及和二逼的狗血纠缠。34-35年SD度过了一段非常艰难的时光,34年春天柏林盖世太保大约有公务猿600人(SD不是公务猿),另外还有2000人在普鲁士联邦PC中,据计算全德当时只有201个SD。SD在32年人数不超过33人,33年94人,34年102人,35年224人,36年269人,其中只有很小一部分人能领到SD的薪水。34年6月9日,赫斯才宣布SD是NSDAP唯一情报机构,SD的财务危机才算解决。35年1月25日,鸡妈妈宣布SD成为SS第三个main office(参见Wildt《绝对的一代》)。如果以狐狸34年7月2日在波恩加入SD来算,那么他是1/102,已经可以算是早期成员了,而他和海德里希的见面时间显然比大多数人想象得要早(FR中很少提到海德里希)。至于档案上显示的一些东西,建议不要当真,狐狸档案第一页就说狐狸坚定信仰NSDAP呢。另外一个非常可笑的例子是,在一些德国人自己的公文里他的军衔都经常被写错,更不用说Martin Sandberger本来属于“老战士”,结果貌似弄丢了什么文件补办时就显示入NSDAP的时间晚了。在德三这种双重国家从来是名义和实际双轨并行。

              9楼2016-08-23 13:16

                10楼2016-08-23 13:17