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1楼2017-04-06 18:06回复
    WWN超级秀Mercury Rising: Evolve vs Progress (2017/04/01)
    Jon Davis vs. Drew Galloway vs. Parrow vs. Matt Riddle vs. Tracy Williams vs. Fred Yehi for the WWN Championship
    Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Mark Haskins for the EVOLVE Championship
    ACH vs. Pete Dunne for the EVOLVE Championship
    Jimmy Havoc vs. Ethan Page
    Chris Dickinson & Jaka vs. Travis Banks & TK Cooper
    LuFisto (c) vs. Su Yung for the SHINE Championship
    Jason Kincaid vs. Keith Lee

    2楼2017-04-06 18:24
      RPW联盟赛事Live in Orlando (2017/03/31)
      Jay White vs. Sami Callihan
      Jeff Cobb vs. Martin Stone
      Gideon Grey vs. Swoggle
      Marty Scurll vs. Ricochet
      Josh Bodom vs. David Starr
      Rey Fenix vs. Will Ospreay
      Ryan Smile & Shane Strickland vs. The Unbreakable F'N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)
      Penta El Zero M vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

      4楼2017-04-06 18:27
        Beyond联盟赛事Caffeine (2017/04/01)
        Donovan Dijak vs. Matt Riddle
        Jeff Cobb vs. Keith Lee
        Da Hit Squad (Dan Maff & Steve Mack) vs. Unbreakable F'n Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)
        LuFisto vs. Deonna Purrazzo
        AR Fox vs. John Silver
        Janelope (Joey Janela & Penelope Ford) open challenge

        5楼2017-04-06 18:29
          PWRevolver联盟赛事Pancakes and Piledrivers (2017/04/01)
          “Lucha Brothers” Rey Fenix & Pentagon OM vs. Sami Callihan & Brian Cage
          First Time Ever
          Ricochet vs. Shane Strickland
          Jeff Cobb vs. David Starr
          Jack Evans Birthday “Fans Bring the Presents” Match
          Jack Evans & Angelico vs. “OI4K” Dave & Jake Crist
          Su Yung vs. Manscout Jake Manning
          Michael Elgin vs. Dezmond Xavier vs. ACH vs. Palmer
          First Time Ever
          Eddie Kingston vs. Krugar
          AR Fox Open Invitational Scramble Ladder Match
          AR Fox vs. Lio Rush vs. Serpentico vs. Jason Cade vs. Matt Cross vs. Trevor Lee vs. Joey Janela vs. Caleb Konley vs. Zachary Wentz vs. Arik Cannon

          6楼2017-04-06 18:30
            2017年WrestleCon超级秀 (2017/03/31)
            Six Man Tag Team Match
            ACH, Mascarita Dorada & Michael Elgin vs. Caleb Konley, David Starr & Trevor Lee
            Singles Match
            Low Ki vs. Shane Strickland
            Impact World Heavyweight Title Match
            Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Jeff Cobb
            Tag Team Match
            Angelico & Jack Evans vs. Flip Gordon & Sammy Guevara
            Ten Man Tag Team Match
            AR Fox, Dezmond Xavier, Jason Cade, Ricochet & Sami Callihan vs. Drew Galloway, Lio Rush, Marty Scurll, Ryan Smile & Will Ospreay
            DDT Iron Man Heavy Metal Title 20 Man Battle Royal
            2 Cold Scorpio vs. Joey Ryan (c) vs. Abyss vs. Billy Gunn vs. Colt Cabana vs. Gangrel vs. George South vs. Gregory Helms vs. Jake Manning vs. Kevin Thorn vs. Kikutaro vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Matt Striker vs. Moose vs. Mr. Hughes vs. Shane Douglas vs. Shannon Moore vs. Suicide vs. Swoggle vs. Zane Riley
            Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match
            Cage vs. Johnny Mundo
            Tag Team Match
            Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix vs. The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)

            7楼2017-04-06 18:31
              CZW联盟赛事Best of the Best 16 (2017/04/01)
              Best Of The Best 16 First Round Match:
              Dezmond Xavier vs. Joey Janela vs. Lio Rush vs. Shane Strickland
              Best Of The Best 16 First Round Match:
              AR Fox vs. David Starr vs. Jason Cade vs. Ricochet
              Best Of The Best 16 First Round Match:
              Anthony Henry vs. Michael Elgin vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Zachary Wentz
              Best Of The Best 16 First Round Match:
              Dave Crist vs. Jake Crist vs. Rey Fenix vs. Sami Callihan
              CZW World Heavyweight Title Match:
              Joe Gacy (c) vs. Brian Cage
              Ultimate Opportunity Six Way Match:
              Ace Austin vs. Alexander James vs. Caleb Konley vs. Ethan Case vs. Rickey Shane Page vs. Tony Deppen
              Singles Match (Special Referee: Kevin Sullivan):
              Matthew Tremont vs. Penta El Zero M

              8楼2017-04-06 18:33
                ROH联盟赛事Supercard Of Honor XI (2017/04/01)
                ROH World Television Title Match
                Marty Scurll (c) vs. Adam Cole
                Tag Team Match
                Silas Young & The Beer City Bruiser vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia) (w/TK O'Ryan)
                Six Man Tag Team Match
                BULLET CLUB (Hangman Page, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) vs. Bully Ray & The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe)
                Texas Bullrope Match
                Cody vs. Jay Lethal
                Three Way Tag Team Match
                Cheeseburger & Will Ferrara vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. The Rebellion (Rhett Titus & Shane Taylor)
                Singles Match
                Damian Martinez vs. Frankie Kazarian
                Singles Match
                Bobby Fish vs. Silas Young
                Tag Team Match
                Dragon Lee & Jay White vs. Volador Jr. & Will Ospreay
                ROH World Title Match
                Christopher Daniels (c) vs. Dalton Castle (w/Brandon & Brent)
                ROH World Tag Team Title Ladder Match
                The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

                9楼2017-04-06 18:34

                  10楼2017-04-06 18:35