欧陆风云4吧 关注:333,470贴子:10,278,743
  • 6回复贴,共1




IP属地:比利时来自Android客户端1楼2021-02-02 02:27回复
    country_decisions = {
    Auto_manufactories = {
    potential = {
    ai = no
    NOT = { has_country_flag = AutoManufactories }
    allow = {
    always = yes
    effect = {
    set_country_flag = AutoManufactories
    ai_will_do = {factor = 0}
    Stop_manufactories = {
    potential = {
    ai = no
    has_country_flag = AutoManufactories
    allow = {
    always = yes
    effect = {
    clr_country_flag = AutoManufactories
    ai_will_do = {factor = 0}
    Auto_Mission = {
    potential = {
    ai = no
    NOT = { has_country_flag = AutoMission }
    allow = {
    always = yes
    effect = {
    set_country_flag = AutoMission
    ai_will_do = {factor = 0}
    Stop_Mission = {
    potential = {
    ai = no
    has_country_flag = AutoMission
    allow = {
    always = yes
    effect = {
    clr_country_flag = AutoMission
    ai_will_do = {factor = 0}
    Auto_Colony = {
    potential = {
    ai = no
    NOT = { has_country_flag = AutoColony }
    allow = {
    always = yes
    effect = {
    set_country_flag = AutoColony
    ai_will_do = {factor = 0}
    Stop_Colony = {
    potential = {
    ai = no
    has_country_flag = AutoColony
    allow = {
    always = yes
    effect = {
    clr_country_flag = AutoColony
    ai_will_do = {factor = 0}

    IP属地:比利时来自Android客户端2楼2021-02-02 02:31
      最后是不完善的自动殖民,开启后会在 正在被殖民城市少于殖民者数量 的时候发送50个人口去一个空白的,且殖民距离之内的城市殖民。不过暂时没有任何办法送殖民者过去,这个城市只能用基础的年殖民者增长来殖民。当然,这时候玩家也能继续派殖民者去这个城市,同手操一样。如果有大佬知道怎么能发送殖民者去或者取巧的办法,欢迎告知啊。当然,如果一个国家殖民者数量多余15,这个脚本无法执行,我暂时还不知道怎么直接用殖民者数量和殖民地数量进行比较。这一上限可以随意修改。
      namespace = AutoColony
      country_event = {
      id = AutoColony.1
      title = AutoColony.1.t
      desc = AutoColony.1.d
      picture = none
      trigger = {
      ai = no
      has_country_flag = AutoColony
      OR = {
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 1
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 1}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 2
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 2}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 3
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 3}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 4
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 4}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 5
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 5}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 6
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 6}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 7
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 7}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 8
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 8}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 9
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 9}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 10
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 10}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 11
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 11}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 12
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 12}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 13
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 13}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 14
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 14}
      AND = {
      num_of_colonists = 15
      NOT = {num_of_colonies = 15}
      any_province = {
      has_discovered = ROOT
      is_empty = yes
      range = ROOT
      NOT = { colonysize = 50 }
      mean_time_to_happen = {
      days = 1
      immediate = {
      hidden_effect = {
      random_owned_province = {
      random_province = {
      limit = {
      has_discovered = ROOT
      is_empty = yes
      range = ROOT
      NOT = { colonysize = 50 }
      save_event_target_as = random_colony_province
      create_colony = 50
      option = {
      name = AutoColony.1.a
      goto = random_colony_province

      IP属地:比利时6楼2021-02-02 02:49

        IP属地:比利时来自Android客户端7楼2021-02-02 02:52
          namespace = AutoBuilding
          country_event = {
          id = AutoBuilding.1
          title = none
          desc = none
          picture = none
          hidden = yes
          trigger = {
          ai = no
          has_country_flag = AutoManufactories
          NOT = {num_of_loans = 1}
          OR = {
          AND = {
          adm_tech = 6
          treasury = 600
          any_owned_province = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = grain
          trade_goods = livestock
          trade_goods = wine
          NOT = {has_building = farm_estate }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          AND = {
          adm_tech = 11
          treasury = 1200
          any_owned_province = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = wool
          trade_goods = cloth
          trade_goods = silk
          trade_goods = dyes
          NOT = {has_building = textile }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          AND = {
          dip_tech = 11
          treasury = 1800
          any_owned_province = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = naval_supplies
          trade_goods = fish
          trade_goods = salt
          NOT = {has_building = wharf }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          AND = {
          mil_tech = 11
          treasury = 2400
          any_owned_province = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = copper
          trade_goods = iron
          NOT = {has_building = weapons }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          AND = {
          adm_tech = 14
          treasury = 3000
          any_owned_province = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = coffee
          trade_goods = cotton
          trade_goods = sugar
          trade_goods = tobacco
          trade_goods = tea
          trade_goods = cocoa
          NOT = {has_building = plantations }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          AND = {
          dip_tech = 14
          treasury = 3600
          any_owned_province = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = ivory
          trade_goods = slaves
          trade_goods = spices
          trade_goods = fur
          trade_goods = incense
          NOT = {has_building = tradecompany }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          AND = {
          adm_tech = 16
          treasury = 4200
          any_owned_province = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = paper
          trade_goods = gems
          trade_goods = tropical_wood
          trade_goods = glass
          trade_goods = chinaware
          NOT = {has_building = mills }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          mean_time_to_happen = {
          days = 1
          immediate = {
          hidden_effect = {
          if = {
          limit = {
          adm_tech = 6
          treasury = 600
          random_owned_province = {
          limit = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = grain
          trade_goods = livestock
          trade_goods = wine
          NOT = {has_building = farm_estate }
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          add_building_construction = {
          building = farm_estate
          speed = 1
          cost = 1
          if = {
          limit = {
          adm_tech = 11
          treasury = 1200
          random_owned_province = {
          limit = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = wool
          trade_goods = cloth
          trade_goods = silk
          trade_goods = dyes
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          NOT = {has_building = textile }
          add_building_construction = {
          building = textile
          speed = 1
          cost = 1
          if = {
          limit = {
          dip_tech = 11
          treasury = 1800
          random_owned_province = {
          limit = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = naval_supplies
          trade_goods = fish
          trade_goods = salt
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          NOT = {has_building = wharf }
          add_building_construction = {
          building = wharf
          speed = 1
          cost = 1
          if = {
          limit = {
          mil_tech = 11
          treasury = 2400
          random_owned_province = {
          limit = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = copper
          trade_goods = iron
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          NOT = {has_building = weapons }
          add_building_construction = {
          building = weapons
          speed = 1
          cost = 1
          if = {
          limit = {
          adm_tech = 14
          treasury = 3000
          random_owned_province = {
          limit = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = coffee
          trade_goods = cotton
          trade_goods = sugar
          trade_goods = tobacco
          trade_goods = tea
          trade_goods = cocoa
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          NOT = {has_building = plantations }
          add_building_construction = {
          building = plantations
          speed = 1
          cost = 1
          if = {
          limit = {
          dip_tech = 14
          treasury = 3600
          random_owned_province = {
          limit = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = ivory
          trade_goods = slaves
          trade_goods = spices
          trade_goods = fur
          trade_goods = incense
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          NOT = {has_building = tradecompany }
          add_building_construction = {
          building = tradecompany
          speed = 1
          cost = 1
          if = {
          limit = {
          adm_tech = 16
          treasury = 4200
          random_owned_province = {
          limit = {
          OR = {
          trade_goods = paper
          trade_goods = gems
          trade_goods = tropical_wood
          trade_goods = glass
          trade_goods = chinaware
          NOT = { has_construction = building }
          is_city = yes
          OR = {
          AND = {
          OR = {
          has_building = courthouse
          has_building = town_hall
          num_free_building_slots = 1
          num_free_building_slots = 2
          NOT = {has_building = mills }
          add_building_construction = {
          building = mills
          speed = 1
          cost = 1
          option = {

          IP属地:比利时9楼2021-02-02 03:06

            IP属地:比利时来自Android客户端12楼2021-02-02 03:43

              IP属地:比利时来自Android客户端27楼2021-02-03 02:11