about 18 hours ago via iTweeVee
mishacollins During that commercial break i had a great conversation with Obama. He's watching this show too. He asked if i could get him on it.
about 18 hours ago via iTweeVee
mishacollins The guy in the Cadillac is super cool. definitely looks like someone you'd want to be friends with.
about 18 hours ago via iTweeVee
mishacollins There's that guy again. Is he going to take more pictures?
about 18 hours ago via iTweeVee
mishacollins When are we going to get to the Safari part, though?
about 19 hours ago via iTweeVee
mishacollins This reality show is amazing! It has everything, murder, mayhem, homo-erotic photos, Max Headroom.
mishacollins it's like a surgery show.
mishacollins There's that intelligent looking guy from the hospital again.
mishacollins Okay this has really changed my opinion of Max Headroom.
mishacollins This is a very unusual reality show. It's almost a like a snuff film.
mishacollins Everyone must have eaten some really bad hospital food here.
mishacollins My mom thinks that girl is a demon. I don't think that's possible. Max Headroom wouldn't be friends with a demon.
mishacollins It's Max Headroom! Wait a minute, they already played this part.
mishacollins My cousin and mother are pointing a computer at a TV in Minneapolis and video skyping me so that i can see it on my computer in Sydney.
mishacollins Who's that guy in the bed? He looks smart. And really muscular.
mishacollins Why is he yelling at a man in a wheel chair? That's not very nice.
mishacollins It's Max Headroom! I didn't know he was a doctor! Wow. That guys does everything.
mishacollins I'm twitting from the Clever Wizards website. Does this work?
mishacollins The show is called "Supernatural" & I believe it's about a family on a safari. I'll be twitting from sydney, AU at 9-10pm new york time.