诸神之战吧 关注:3,143贴子:108,259
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不要再纠结说hades很菜很装逼了 人家是1对2所以被秒杀啦

1楼2010-06-19 10:34回复
    Perseus returns to Argos, but Hades sends his furies to stop him. Perseus defeats the creatures sent by Hades and uses the head of Medusa to turn the Kraken into stone as Cepheus is killed by the cult leader, who is then crushed under the shattering Kraken. Hades appears and sneers that Perseus cannot kill him, since he is a God. Perseus retorts that while Hades can live forever, it will not be in the world of men and uses the sword with Zeus' lightning bolt to banish Hades back to the Underworld. After saving Argos from destruction and Andromeda from drowning, Andromeda herself suggests that Perseus will become king and rule Argos at her side, but he declines. On the broken statue of Zeus, the God of Olympus appears before Perseus again and offers to make him a God, but for a second time he refuses. Zeus warns Perseus that Hades will return to rule the world in darkness when he amasses enough fear from mankind. Since Perseus is intent to stay on Earth, Zeus resurrects Io, and the two embrace while Pegasus flies above them

    2楼2010-06-19 10:35

      3楼2010-06-19 10:39
        诸神是成本不足,后面拍烂了,所以结局很仓促,造成男主角几秒钟秒杀海怪和大人............观众也是叫骂一片 不过真的…他要节约,所以让观众愤怒了…导演真正的败笔不在结尾,而在本片没有清晰的主题,他说故事的能力太差了,希望新导吸取前车之鉴,还有,希望公司能让大家晓得这次是真的3D,不要被上部的口碑影响

        4楼2010-06-19 10:43

          11楼2010-07-14 15:37

            14楼2010-07-18 10:00

              15楼2010-07-21 12:43