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    经核实吧主智赢SATV 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 剑桥高级英语吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    Amiee_Tian 7-10
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    Pedro Pires, English Teacher, Brazil Why did you choose to take Cambridge English: Advanced? I chose to take CAE because I felt the need to test my English level in an accurate way. I researched which exam would best fit my future goals, and CAE presented itself as the best since it is widely recognised for both academic and professional purposes. How do you think Cambridge English: Advanced has helped you to achieve your goals? CAE helped me achieve my goals in two different ways. Firstly, it helped me to become an English teacher and help others to achieve the knowledge that I have acquired
    kaka1990315 10-28
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    Mireia Arribas, Student, Spain Why did you choose to take Cambridge English: Advanced? Firstly, I decided to take CAE because nowadays demonstrating one’s level of English is absolutely necessary, not only for your career in the future, but also studies at university in the present. Once I passed Cambridge English: First (FCE), I kept on with my English studies. What is more, Cambridge exams are highly recognised and it’s a plus on my CV. How do you think Cambridge English: Advanced has helped you to achieve your goals? I believe that having CAE has helped me very much because when I finis
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    Maria Fino, Teacher, Italy Why did you choose to take Cambridge English: Advanced? Writing about my CAE exam is not easy because it reminds me of a personal challenge that, against all odds, I faced and won. Being a student when you are over 40 and a mother of two small children is very difficult because you have to balance study, work and family without feeling guilty when you neglect family for studying and vice versa. I spent most of my summer holiday in England repeating idioms, phrasal verbs and watching English programs for my listening test. With regard to speaking, I had to encourage m
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    Javier Ramos, English Co-ordinator, Mexico Why did you choose to take Cambridge English: Advanced?: In my life I have had many valuable experiences; traveling, volunteering, working and spending time with new people. What I have noticed is that to continue growing as I hope, I need to have a proven level in English. For me it is important to have a certificate that stands out from the rest, is accurate and leaves a lasting impression on schools and employers. This is exactly what the CAE does – it makes you stand out from the crowd. How do you think Cambridge English: Advanced has helped you
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    Jana Onderkova, Sales Assistant, Czech Republic Why did you choose to take Cambridge English: Advanced? I chose to take CAE because I am on maternity leave as a single mother and during evenings, when my little princess is sleeping, I am learning English by heart to improve my vocabulary and mastery in this language, which I am keen on. I hope I will pass this exam next year and I will do my best. How do you think Cambridge English: Advanced will help you to achieve your goals? I think CAE will help me to achieve two of my goals. Firstly to speak, understand and write in English at the level o
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    Eva Munoz-Quiros, English Teacher, Spain Why did you choose to take Cambridge English: Advanced? I am a secondary school science teacher working in bilingual programmes in different schools. Teaching science in English has helped to improve my fluency, but also to realise how important it is for the kids to have a teacher with a good command of the language. How do you think Cambridge English: Advanced has helped you to achieve your goals? I decided to study for CAE because I wanted to give the best to my students. The months I spent preparing were a motivation to become better at teaching my
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    The Cambridge English Language Assessment Malpractice Procedure deals with cases of suspected irregular conduct. Irregular conduct is any action which gives or aims to give unfair advantage to a candidate or causes disadvantage to other candidates. The Notice to Candidates, which is displayed outside all examination rooms, warns candidates of the consequences of such actions. Examples of malpractice include: obtaining unauthorised access to examination materialusing or trying to use unauthorised material, e.g. notes, study guides, mobile phonescopying/collusion or attempted copying/collusiondi
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    Cambridge English Language Assessment provides a service to enable examination centres to appeal, on behalf of candidates, against decisions that affect grades awarded to candidates (e.g. decisions relating to results outcomes, malpractice, special considerations and administration).A centre may appeal against decisions relating to any actions to be taken against them following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration. The appeals procedure focuses on whether, in the course of reaching decisions, Cambridge English Language Assessment: used procedures which were consistent with th
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    Results Enquiries must be submitted by the examination centre on behalf of the candidate. The following Results Enquiry stages are available:
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    It’s easy to register for Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) in just three steps. 1.Find an exam centre. Choose from over 1,400 exam centres in 117 countries. Use our online search to find an exam centre near you 2.Contact your local exam centre. They can give you details about registering for your exam, costs and preparation courses. 3.Choose when and how you take your exam. There are monthly test dates, and you can register for your exam as little as one week before taking it.
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    剑桥英语(Cambridge English)是用于英语教学、学习和测评的一种独特方法。 它由世界级的研究成果所推动,并致力于: 提供:卓越的教育。 为学习者和教师提供更多的 机会。 为教师、教育机构和雇主提供 价值。 推广语言学习,使 整个社会 获益。 剑桥英语(Cambridge English)口试当日注意事项:
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    从2015年1月起,一种新的成绩报告方式¬——剑桥英语分数量表将被用于报告我们的各项考试。这种新方式将提供更加丰富的考生能力信息。 采用剑桥英语分数量表报告成绩的考试
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    剑桥英语(Cambridge English)是用于英语教学、学习和测评的一种独特方法。 它由世界级的研究成果所推动,并致力于: 提供:卓越的教育。 为学习者和教师提供更多的 机会。 为教师、教育机构和雇主提供 价值。 推广语言学习,使 整个社会 获益。 剑桥英语(Cambridge English)机考考试当日注意事项:
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    剑桥英语(Cambridge English)是用于英语教学、学习和测评的一种独特方法。 它由世界级的研究成果所推动,并致力于: 提供:卓越的教育。 为学习者和教师提供更多的 机会。 为教师、教育机构和雇主提供 价值。 推广语言学习,使 整个社会 获益。 剑桥英语(Cambridge English)笔考考试当日注意事项:
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    一、听力备考原则   a. 首先记住一个总原则,在MSE听力里,假如一个内容你听见在文中出现了,而在选项中又出现了,那这个选项则很可能是答案。非凡要注重说话人经常重复的关键词和概念。   b. MSE的长对话和课堂学术性演讲偏重考查考生的整体理解、分析能力,这其实就是模拟国外高校的课堂。平时练习时,不必拘泥于的对与错,也不要在一个没听清楚的单词或句子上浪费时间,而应着重理解文章的主要观点。建议基础较好的考生平时坚持
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    剑桥英语五级证书考试(剑桥大学考试委员会称之为主体系列考试,Main Suite Examinations,缩略为MSE),该证书由于其考试的科学性、稳定性、权威性,在世界各国获得承认,被用于入学、就业等各种用途。 考试简介 剑桥英语五级证书考试是[url]http://英国剑桥大学[/url]考试委员会根据欧洲委员会制定的语言教学大纲设计的英语作为外国语的五级系列考试。教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1996年引进英语入门考试(key English Test)和初级
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    CAE常见问题   CAE Reading   How is the time allocation decided upon?   Can computers spot when a candidate has made a mistake transferring the answers?   CAE Writing   Are candidates penalised for writing over-long or over-short answers?   Are addresses to be omitted ONLY when stated in the task?   How important is the actual layout of letters, reports etc. in the exam?   What is required in the writing of a proposal?   Do candidates have to study both the set texts?   Will any edition of the set texts do?   WritingEnglish in Use   Is singula
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    什么是CAE考试? 剑桥通用五级英语证书考试由剑桥大学外语考试部设置,适用于测试不同级别英语学习者的语言应用能力。CAE( Certificate in Advanced English)高级英语证书考试是剑桥通用五级考试的第四级。通用五级证书考试(MSE)共分为五个级别。 什么是CAE考试? FCE(First Certificate in English)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书(Main Suite English)的第三级,是为具备中高级水平的英语学习者设计的考试。其水平相当于欧洲委员会指定的欧洲语言教学大纲的B

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