0unite 在“登录图块数据”时,导入做好的图块,登录图块时选择”大型组件“,可是老提示要分割图片,怎么回事?按理选择”大型组件“图片大小没有限制啊,而且图也不大,还没有unite自带的大型组件来的大。强行导入后,在”大型件“里看到图片被切割了好同块,根本不能用了。
2rpgmaker unite 包含了编辑器引擎的源码和游戏的源码 尝试修改任何源码编辑器立刻无法工作,抛出认证失败的错误 它似乎会通过dll文件检查源码完整性,所以无法修改源码文件 不明白既然开源了都可以看得到,但是不能修改 一种可能性为了保持更新版本,改了源码可能导致版本更新文件冲突 既然无法修改源码,我目前也没有发现可以写插件的地方 毕竟默认引擎太难满足需求了
0需要安装国际版的unity hub最新版本是3.7.0,然后重新安装unity。原因是国内版本的unity hub版本太旧了,RMU和它不兼容。
0地图显示名称设置了,进入地图不会显示。比如MV或MZ设置 地图显示名称后,在游戏中一进入地图马上会显示名称。 UniteB也设置了显示地图名称,可是进入地图显示不出来。 哪位大神指点一下,感激不尽!
521官网(RPG MAKER UNITE official)上没找到啊2想用SD生图做个暗黑类但又GHS的小游戏···1129开发商 Gotcha Gotcha Games 周四透露,其 RPG Maker Unite 软件已被推迟到一个尚未公布的日期,以“进一步提高产品的质量和稳定性”。该游戏原定于 4 月 6 日首次亮相。92023.4.6 发布 ,Unity官方商店已可申请,售价$90.902As a quick recap, last time we introduced the addition of Auto-Guide and Addon Manager. Auto-Guide is a truly unique feature in that it could auto-compute and auto-fill many of the parameters important to RPG games and help users tune game balance - which is extremely handy for young developers. On the other hand, we also implemented the “Addon Manager” which is similar to past plugin managers, as an optional means for intermediate and veteran creators to extend the functions of RPG Maker Unite more easily. Having spent around half a year introducing many new features of RPG Maker Unite, i2■Thanks to the Unity Editor, smartphone build is easier than ever! Although exporting to smartphone OS has been available since "RPG Maker MV", the process is much quicker and smooth in "RPG Maker Unite", thanks to the use of Unity Editor's build function! Furthermore, as we all know, the Unity Editor is highly optimized for smartphone platforms! smartphone games created with RPG Maker Unite will perform much better than ever before, without the need for extensive optimization! ■多亏了Unity编辑器,智能手机的制作比以前更容易了! 虽然从“RPG Ma0春季也就剩一个月了,有消息吗?不会继续延期吧?0RT1都23年了,日本也过完年了,开始上班了 啥时候发售呢64In RPG Maker MZ, our most currently available RPG Maker title, battle effects are mostly created from Effekseer, a powerful external application for creating particle effects, and then imported into the engine. Now since RPG Maker Unite runs on the Unity Editor, Unite users can also opt to use Unity’s built-in Particle System to create battle effects from scratch, and import into RPG Maker Unite Of course, battle effects made externally using Effekseer can still be imported as was in RPG Maker MZ. Users can choose which solution they prefer to work on and can freely choose what to assign in0■Turning the Mundane Task of Game Balancing into a Breeze! When we talk about game creation, oftentimes most of us would first picture the arts and game play, essentially the catchiest parts of a game. However, a good game title requires a good game balance to provide a satisfying gameplay experience. Especially in the case of RPG games, parameters such as Enemy Level, Equipment Stats, Money, etc., are all elements that need to be fine-tuned to make a great game. Game developers often spend hundreds if not thousands of hours play-testing and fixing parameters, whose time-consuming nature oft4好期待啊 希望有更丰富的素材,之前几代的素材基本都是日式西幻风 想做中式武侠风还需要自己画02022都快过去了3RPGMkaer unite发布时间有大概时间嘛,2022年12月31日也是2022年啊7PS:寡喵翻译能力有限,凑合看了 ~ ====== All Default Character Full-Body Portraits ! ====== 全量默认角色全身肖像图示 === Default Characters Assets Released ! === 默认角色资产发布! In RPG games, characters such as Party Members or NPC (non-player characters) are very important to world-building and story progression. 在 RPG 游戏中,诸如 角色成员 或 NPC(非玩家角色)等对于世界观构建及游戏进程是非常重要的。 However, not everyone has the needed creative skills to draw or edit their own characters. 然而,并非每个人都6我会尽量回答大家所有的相关问题721rpgmakerunite一定要在unity上运行吗?不能独立运行吗113MZ用起来爽也是这一点,只能说MU快出了可以先暂时放慢进度好好整理素材了42443亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到rpgmakerunite2